Not Enough Drunk Christians – Momentum Day 2

Today is day 2 of the Momentum Reading plan.  It’s simple: 1 day = reading 1 chapter of Acts for 28 Days. Today, January 24 read Acts 2.

Scripture:  Acts 2

Key Verse: Acts 2:15,17

“For these people are not drunk, as you suppose17 ‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit…”

Of course I’m not talking about alcohol, c’mon. Really? Everyone seems to want to tame the book of Acts.  That is what happened then… can’t we accept it for what it is and say why not now?

Dad – If you would get drunk then maybe your wife would respect you.  Maybe your kids would receive your correction. Maybe you would get out of debt.  You’d say goodbye to your vices.

Mom – If you would get drunk, that husband of yours would look at you differently. Your kids would admire your dedication and passion.

Teenager -Maybe you could tell a good catch from a loser.  Maybe you wouldn’t NEED a boyfriend or girlfriend.  Maybe you would realize your life starts today and you can make a HUGE difference in the world.  Maybe all the sudden you would become responsible.

College Student – Maybe you would realize your passion in life and stop using your mommy and daddy’s money to fritter away your existence through alcohol, pornography, partying and tweeting about how stupid your life is right now while a few good young men and women keep their integrity.  Maybe if you got drunk you would have some integrity?

Retired? – Maybe you would GIVE your whole retirement away to advance the Gospel so you could die broke and happy.  Maybe you would wake up and see the pointlessness of golfing and owning 2 vacation homes and dying with a bank account full of money your kids will fight over. Maybe you’d live before you die and accept that the American dream is as empty as a dried up well.

Pastor – Maybe people would get saved, maybe the reason your church isn’t growing is because you are waaaaay too sober.  You tried it a while back but, getting drunk is too risky, what would people say if I preached like I was drunk?  If I raised my voice? If I led with conviction? If I got emotional? If I actually did what I told everyone else to do from the platform I preach on?

This may be a bit much for you.  If it is, you are probably pretty sober.  It’s ok.  At least you will live a life with the illusion of safety, comfort and the reality of mediocrity .

Question: What is holding you back from becoming intoxicated?  I want to be a drunk father, pastor, dad.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Not Enough Drunk Christians – Momentum Day 2

  1. Mincing no words, as usual, Josh. This is so true, and I am glad someone finally said it! This is why we have so many “Bible Believing” churches in this area that collectively have so little impact on the world outside their walls. Not that there are none doing good works and helping people in Jesus’ Name, but hardly anyone’s drunk!

    Sounds like an awesome challenge for your congregation – I hope you have many participants in the Momentum Reading Plan, and that many of those will become doers of the word.