I Love My Co-Workers

The other day, I woke up to this reality: I spend more time with the people I work with at 217church than most any other people in my life.  The people I work with mean so much to me personally.  Why would I not “like” these people?  Why would I not intentionally build relationships and try to love them as best I can?  Relationships are difficult but here is what you need to know about the 217church team: They are an amazing group of people and I love working alongside them to accomplish ministry. They do their work with passion for the Lord to build up the body of Christ.  As the point leader my responsibility is to love, take care of and lead them to the best of my ability.

Our 217church team is awesome!
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”  Colossians 3:23


Here are some lessons we are learning together:

  • Nobody “Works” for Me – Each of us work for God and we are accountable to each other.  It doesn’t matter what task we are doing, we are to do it with zeal, passion, excellence and a heart of service.  Everyone is under authority and we do our work for the Lord. THERE ARE NO UNIMPORTANT TASKS!   No matter if you are preaching the sermon or updating the web site, everything is to be done with all our heart, effort and a good attitude.  Work ethic will find you out in the end.  Care more about what Jesus thinks about your quality of work than anyone else.
  • It Takes a Team – Everything we do, no matter how small the task, needs to be accomplished in teams.  This means that we don’t do things alone and it also has huge implications for the church as a whole.  We aren’t measured by how good we do, but how well the people we train do.  We are seeking to intentionally apprentice people to help them find their ideal ministry.  Take someone with you!
  • Got a Problem? Go to the Source – Let’s face it, conflict happens. But when it does happen, how do we handle it?  Do we talk about the person we have an issue with or do we talk to the person we are in conflict with?  I have zero tolerance for gossip as this can be the biggest team destroyer of all.  Keep short accounts, extend grace, don’t be defensive and seek to understand.  ABOVE ALL…HONESTY MATTERS!  There is nothing more disgusting than a dishonest expression of forgiveness, hiding, or blaming.
  • Teamwork Creates Humility – If “we” did it together then no one person can take credit for it. It is a great feeling every time WE complete a weekend service to look around as a church and see how God used 40+ people to serve the church.  It creates togetherness and increases our focus that we NEED each other.

So what about you?  How are you doing at work? Do you love the people you work with and do your work as unto the Lord?  No one said it would be easy, but you may be the only Jesus your co-workers seeWe are working hard to embody unity and love as a staff and we can’t wait to watch you to serve this weekend!

Never underestimate the power of a unified team, no matter what their age or experience!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “I Love My Co-Workers

  1. Jonathan, finding people that you sync with is a blessing and shouldn’t be taken for granted! life is too short! Hope all is well with you!