I just dropped Titus off for his first day of fourth grade. No crying this time but what a fun moment. Compared to his first day of kindergarten, he was more confident, made his lunch and set out his clothes the night before and woke up plenty early enough to enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Titus was ready for the MOMENTUM of 4th grade. Calm and cool he strolled up to the school as scores of other parents hugged and kissed their children, some looked panicked. I asked, “Do you want me to get out of the car?” he said, “nah, I’m good” I slapped him a high five and told him to give it 100% today and go for it! In order for him to get the maximum results out of 4th grade he is going to have to HOLD NOTHING BACK!
- “And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.” Acts 9:31
If we expect God to multiply the impact of our church, we need to hold nothing back and be BOLD in two key areas: our invitations and our investments! Here are 5 easy ways you can help the 217church family get MOMENTUM for the fall launch September 23!
#5 Take a 217church yard sign this weekend and plant it in your yard for the next three weeks. It can be a great conversation starter with your neighbors and you can invite them. Most people come to 217church because you invite them!
#4 Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers via facebook. I know you have friends and facebook is a way to invite some people along. Use this link and then invite people: http://www.facebook.com/events/137937979682167/.
#3 Take the Momentum ticket invites we place in your bible every week and personally invite people. I carry a few in my bag all the time. The tickets have the meeting place, the time, and the topic by date. We are constantly trying to put tools in your hand that make it easier for you to invite people to our weekend gathering. By the way, if you invite someone to church on Sunday, sit with them and then share a meal after the service.
#2 Get in a small group and get committed. It’s all about the relationships and if you want to grow spiritually you have to submit to others. What does a group do? The S.L.I.C.E. model is really easy to explain. We serve, learn, invite, care and eat together! Kelly can help you find a group by e-mailing kelly@217church.com.
#1 Plan to Serve on a team September 23rd and beyond! We want 100+ people to serve on our launch Sunday! Be there by 7:45 and come and witness the church building relationships as we prepare to worship together. We need all hands on deck in the following four areas:
- Set Up & Tear Down Team- Theater arrival time 7:45 AM or 12:30 PM. This is the most “hands on” of all the teams as we put up outdoor and indoor signs, stuff bibles, set up the platform, sound equipment and create a welcoming environment.
- Hospitality Team- Theater arrival time 8:15 AM. These are the people that create a welcoming environment. From helping people find a parking spot to greeting and assisting to make sure people are seated comfortably, our hospitality team smiles and welcomes people to the family. They are the front door to the church!
- 217kids & Tots Team – Theater arrival time 8:15 AM. We don’t do childcare! We set the stage for children to feel accepted, loved and have fun while they learn about Jesus and His love for them. These co-workers are driving character anchors deep in the hearts of our children.
- Worship & Media Team – Theater arrival time 7:45 AM. This is the team that facilitates the service. From serving on the worship team to running a camera, sound boards, and setting up lights, this team makes the service happen! We just launched a new high quality video/audio available on our web and podcast because of the selfless serving of the media team.
After we complete the set up September 23rd, at 9 am we will enjoy a full breakfast together and celebrate another milestone in the life of our church. Our vision Sunday is going to rock your socks with THREE HUGE PRAYERS we are asking God to answer. The more people who jump on board, the more MOMENTUM we will have!
This Sunday, September 9th is the building of the MOMENTUM as we have a “Restore Service” with communion, prayer and healing as we pray for people boldly together! The only way to fully explain a restore service is to experience it together.
Hold Nothing Back Church!
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