We are ready for the September 23rd Launch! Are you ready? Theater 14 will be packed with people, starting with Breakfast for everyone at 9 am! Then we will hear the vision of our church at two services (10 & 11:30am) and hear the three huge prayers for this next season. You can watch the vision video here. Finally, at 1 PM, join us at the youth center for an open house and lunch with the church family.
The next five weeks we are going to be an absolute blast discovering how God is going to use us to impact this community! Here are the weekend topics:
Fall Topics:
September 16 – Serving People Joyfully
September 23 – The 217church Vision (Full Breakfast at 9 am)
September 30 – Life Without Limits
October 7 – Understanding Your Calling
October 14 – Sharing Your Mission
- How Can I Be A Part?
#1 Join A Team – What if EVERY ONE of us who called 217church our home joined a weekend team? Our weekend teams are: media, kids, hospitality and set-up tear down. If each of us served once a month on a weekend, how would we be different? It all kicks off this weekend as we prepare for our Launch through understanding what it means to serve joyfully. If the church is going to work like it was meant to, it will take EVERY ONE OF US of working together to own the vision.
- Set Up & Tear Down Team- Theater arrival time 7:45 AM or 12:30 PM. This is the most “hands on” of all the teams as we put up outdoor and indoor signs, stuff bibles, set up the platform, sound equipment and create a welcoming environment.
- Hospitality Team- Theater arrival time 8:15 AM. These are the people that create a welcoming environment. From helping people find a parking spot to greeting and assisting to make sure people are seated comfortably, our hospitality team smiles and welcomes people to the family. They are the front door to the church!
- 217kids & Tots Team – Theater arrival time 8:15 AM. We don’t do childcare! We set the stage for children to feel accepted, loved and have fun while they learn about Jesus and His love for them. These co-workers are driving character anchors deep in the hearts of our children.
- Worship & Media Team – Theater arrival time 7:45 AM. This is the team that facilitates the service. From serving on the worship team to running a camera, sound boards, and setting up lights, this team makes the service happen! We just launched a new high quality video/audio available on our web and podcast because of the selfless serving of the media team
#2 Join A Small Group – A small group is a group of 5-15 people who gather in homes to accomplish the vision of the church, which is to help people meet and follow Jesus. Our groups have 5 essential purposes. We call it SLICE: Serve, Learn, Invite, Care, Eat! If you want to really be a part of what God is doing, you have to be a part of what we call “Gospel Centered Community”.
Are you in? E-mail kelly@217church.com
#3 Invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers via facebook. I know you have friends and facebook is a way to invite some people along. Use this link and then invite people: http://www.facebook.com/events/137937979682167/.
Hold On Tight! This is going to be a fun ride!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.