This took place just two blocks from my house and as I drove by I was simply blown away. This is the scene in many of our neighborhoods in Central New Jersey. Power is out and people are at least rattled and scrambling a bit. As the church, we should be asking, How can we help? Just Do SOMETHING! I believe the church is at its best when things are at their worst.
3 Things You Can Do NOW…
1. Go meet 10 people in your neighborhood. Your leading questions are, “Is everything okay? How are you doing?” This leads to relationships. BOTTOM LINE: You will never have a better opportunity to meet and love people. You don’t even have to share the Gospel, but if they need help, HELP THEM!
2. Bromley Neighborhood Clean up Day: I just walked through Bromley, our 217church partner neighborhood. We are partnering with Hamilton Township to take responsibility for cleaning up. It has already been scheduled for this Saturday November 3rd 9am-2pm.
3. The 217rebuild initiative: We just launched this brand new arm of our church and we will use 100% of the resources given to this fund to directly help those impacted by this catastrophe with basic needs. You can Give Here and use the drop down, “The 217rebuild Initiative“.
Let’s make the most of this opportunity and be the church at its best when things are at their worst.
Praying you are all safe!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.