It’s Back to Work! The parties are over, the break is done, and for most of us today signals going back to work and school. After much needed time with family, friends and some people we wish we could have avoided, the new year demands productivity. I wanted to drop you a few ideas about WORK in the new year. We spend so much time in our week working and thinking about work, why not make the most of it?
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
I remember my first day of official work. I was so excited and motivated to make money. C’mon, we all know why you applied for your first job, but since then my motivations have changed.
Why Work?
1. Bring Honor To God – Remember you don’t just work for your boss, but you are representing Jesus to all of your co-workers as well. Maybe you have seen the bumper sticker, “My boss is a Jewish carpenter.” Okay, it’s a bit cheesy, but if you work to please Him, I can almost guarantee honor, character, and reputation will advance you.
2. Bring The Gospel to The Workplace – It cracks me up when I hear of workplaces banning talk about “religious topics”. As if we shut off our character and life purpose while we work. What boss wouldn’t want employees to follow at least the 2nd of two commandments Jesus told us to live out? “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39) Or how about other commandments, “do no covet, do not steal, do not bear false witness.” (Exodus 20) Sounds to me like the best place to work, ever.
3. Bring A Listening Ear – How do we bring the Gospel to the workplace? Talk less, listen more. It all starts with caring about the people you work with, and then when the time is right, the opportunity will come to listen, serve and even pray with the people at your work.
Remember, above all else, you are there to bring glory to God. Work hard, make him look good, make her succeed, and in the end, you will have done your job.
Work hard!
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