We are happy to announce the 2nd campus of 217church has landed in a semi-permanant location at Sharon Elementary School in Robbinsville, NJ. Our Robbinsville / East Windsor Campus is doing great work and we are excited about the possibilities that exist in this community. 217church became a multisite church and launched in East Windsor with over 100 people on January 12, 2014! We have been in six different locations and we finally feel like we have landed! WE NEED YOU TO PRAY!
An incredible team of people are continuing to reach out to the Robbinsville/East Windsor area, as we take more steps in our vision to reach 10,000 people, start 1,000 small groups, plant 100 churches, in the next 10 years, 1 person at a time. I want you to be a part of either our Hamilton or Robbinsville/East Windsor campus team. In order for a multisite church to work EVERYONE needs to be on a TEAM!
Erica was our very 1st baptism from our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus, now she serves and is in a 217group!
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Romans 12:10-11
Most of us have NEVER been a part of a multi-site church. A multi-site church works when we all DO SOMETHING. This means each one of us has a role to play, this includes implementing weekend services, and serving the community as a part of a small group.
If you have been at 217church for more than one week, we INVITE you to be a part of serving on a weekend team and catch the vision. You don’t have to be baptized, you don’t even have to be good looking. You just have to want to create an incredibly safe environment where people are loved, built up, inspired and encouraged to LET JESUS HEAL THEM! So I wanted to take this time and communicate some answers to some questions people are asking and provide some clarity about what a multisite 217church will look like.
8 Common Multisite Church Questions
1. Why Are We Becoming a Multisite Church? – A Restored Family Sent on Mission
217CHURCH IS ABOUT THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW JESUS YET! We will ALWAYS be the “church for people who aren’t here yet.” You have heard me say this over and over again. Our vision from the beginning has been “to create environments where people can meet and follow Jesus.” This means our our goal is not just to bring people in, but to build them up and SEND them out. If our church stops sending, we aren’t fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” This is an incredible opportunity to send people to SERVE the community for Jesus. We anticipate our growth curve to increase. This means, more baptisms, more small groups, more people reached and sent! We are a restored family sent on mission.
2. Why Don’t We Build A Building First?
Let me start by saying buildings aren’t bad, they are to be used for good. Having a building you own as a church can be an incredible asset to accomplish the mission. We are actually in the process of exploring a permanent facility for our Hamilton campus. One thing I am extremely proud of about our young church is that we have never paid a penny of interest to a bank for a mortgage. We are light on our feet and mobile, literally. We have many decisions to make regarding worship spaces and my prayer is that we will have a building given to us one day! Why not? Will you join me in prayer for this? I know that sounds crazy, but crazier things have happened. Young churches cannot be saddled with heavy mortgage payments. Our church can NEVER, I mean NEVER will be about a building. The church is NEVER defined as a building in scripture. We are a dynamic group of people. Will we build or purchase a building someday? Probably as we are led by the Spirit. We are almost five years old. One thing I do know, as long as we focus with clarity on what our vision is, HE WILL PROVIDE OUR EVERY NEED.
3. Who Will Be Teaching And Will It Be The Same Message At Both Campuses?
My role will not change as the lead teaching pastor at 217church. I will be doing the bulk of the weekend teaching LIVE, IN PERSON, at both campuses preaching the same message. Our new service times will be Hamilton 9:30 am, Robbinsville/East Windsor 10:15 am, and Hamilton 11:00 am. For now, the teaching pastor for the week will be driving back and forth and teaching at ALL 3 services. We are however developing a teaching team as we add more services and campuses. Imagine a weekend a few years from now when we will have 4 campuses with six services and three different teachers all teaching the same message at the same time! Who knows! As my dad used to say, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
4. What Is A Campus Pastor?
A campus pastor ensures the needs of the people are cared for. They also empower every ministry leader to build teams to implement the ministries of a particular campus. This includes everything from set up and tear down, to youth and kids, small groups, you name it. If it happens at that campus, it is their responsibility. They are also there to help ensure our 1st time guests experience the 217 VIP treatment.
5. When You Say “Weekend Team” What Do You Mean?
Every week we want to see between 70-100 people serve on a weekend. We try to keep this simple for people to understand so people can be quickly connected to serving on a team. We have 4 main teams that everything flows through: Worship & Media, 217kids, Hospitality and Set-Up /Tear Down. After setting up and tearing down 217church almost 200 times over the last 4 years, we now have some proven structures that help us execute with excellence. This makes serving on a team a great experience. It still amazes me that at 7:45am the trailer pulls up and 2 hours later, with 50+ people helping at each campus, hundreds of adults and kids walk in the doors to two buildings transformed into a house of worship. This means that everyone has the power to Invite. Our question for each other should be, who did you bring along with you?
6. What is A Launch Team?
This a group of people sent from our campuses to launch another campus. The launch team responsibility is to make sure we launch a new healthy campus and every launch team member has a specific role and serves on a team. As we add new campuses, a launch team is formed and it takes about 9-12 months to successfully launch a new campus. We are constantly inviting new people from the weekend services from the community to be a part of the launch teams of new campuses.
7. When We Launch A Campus Will We Be Doing More Than Just A Weekend Service Once A Month?
Absolutely! We launch small groups simultaneously so we already have a presence. in East Windsor for example, We have delivered school supplies to a local elementary school for kids in need, did a fall family festival at Etra Lake Park and we provided food to families in need on Thanksgiving. Between the monthly preview service we had opportunities to serve the community, invite people to small groups and invite them to the launch. Serve Relelntlessly!
8. I Want To Be A Part, How Do I Get Connected?
Join A Team. Here is the beauty of this, no matter if you are currently at Hamilton or Robbinsville/East Windsor, you are an integral part. Our teams are thriving and healthy and this Sunday will be an incredible opportunity to join a team. To be a part of the Hamilton team contact Dan@217church.com and for Robbinsville/East Windsor it’s Doug@217church.com.
“And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.” Nehemiah 2:18
Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ. 217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 9:30 & 11am and Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ at 10:15. Our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday. If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services. Visit www.217church.com for more information.
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