I was absolutely in awe watching everything that happened over this Thanksgiving season through 217church. And it even happened yesterday. I was surprised, excited, but most of all proud of a young church that is learning to get out there and Live Differently through serving relentlessly. Just yesterday we put this Facebook post on our page: “If anyone in the 217church family needs food for Thanksgiving, please send us a message by noon today.” Then in just one hour, this happened…
“A young single mom with three children came in to pick up one of the baskets. She was so happy to receive a basket, they were thrilled that it would cover not only their Thanksgiving meal, but several more meals thereafter. We didn’t even know them, but they will be eating because of the gifts you provided!”
“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42
7 Things I Saw On Sunday…
1. Compassion – We did 2 simultaneous events in two communities! I wish you could have seen the look on the face of a young boy at McKnight School in East Windsor when we placed a coat on him. He showed up to the bitter cold event in a sweat shirt and didn’t even own a coat. We were able to give him a coat and share the love of Jesus. We told people there is a church in the community launching on January 12 that is all about helping them “rebuild their lives.” Couldn’t believe it!
2. Cooperation – We delivered well over 200 baskets full of food to families with names! We worked with Johnson & Johnson (yes, they are that BIG drug company 🙂 ), United Way and Bromley Community Center in Hamilton. We ensured every family, every name on the list received a $25 gift card for a turkey, as a well as a full basket of food. You can still Give A $25 gift through our Next Generation Fund Here. In one day alone, you helped feed over 1,000 people! Couldn’t believe it!
3. Celebration – When 400 people showed up to the theater and worshiped together celebrating God’s provision for us, It blew me away. It was so cold on Sunday our 217truck wouldn’t start, but still over 50 people showed up early at the theater to set up two inspiring worship services at the AMC 24. Our very own Naml Lewis preached about living in the favor of God. It was Incredible! Couldn’t believe it!
4. Diligence – Did I forget to mention it was freezing cold Sunday? But yet over 100 of the 217church family came out to pass out food in the freezing cold! I love it. Couldn’t believe it!
5. Empowerment – Our youth totally planned the Hamilton event and our East Windsor Launch team established a presence in the Twin Rivers community. Couldn’t believe it!
Our youth showed up BIG and orchestrated the event!
6. Action – When we dreamed of a church in the Hamilton community, we wanted to renew the community through serving relentlessly. This meant we would have to be a “Get it done church!” Your reputation is out there! People know that Jesus is here and is about restoring their life. Couldn’t believe it!
7. Love – When we took a pile of coats over to a van with a family of seven kids with NO COATS. It was… indescribable. Couldn’t believe it!
Thanksgiving is HERE! I’m proud of you! Let’s celebrate God’s provision and invite someone along with us.
217church is a multi-site church in Mercer County NJ with small groups for families in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater. Our new East Windsor Campus is meeting Sunday December 8th 10:15 am at Ethel McKnight School and launches weekly services January 12, 2014. If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services in Hamilton at 9:30 or 11 am! Visit www.217church.com. If you want to be in on the ground floor of a new exciting church planting environment, contact our East Windsor Campus Pastor Dan Gay at Dan@217church.com.
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