3 Sources of Hope For 2014

2013 was an impacting year full of ups and downs for my family and for 217church.  We saw over 50 baptisms, watched our youth and kids ministries flourish and embarked on our biggest faith step as a church in our 4 year history.  We are launching a 217church campus in East Windsor, NJ beginning January 12, 2014!  Invite your friends to the launch services here. God is faithful and no matter what goals you reached or didn’t reach in 2013, one thing is for sure, 2014 has God’s best written all over it!


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“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”  Jeremiah 29:11

Now that the year is winding down, It is time to look back on God’s blessings and look forward for hope.  Take some time over this next week and recharge, reflect and rejoice in what God has done, NO MATTER WHAT your circumstance.

3 Sources Hope in 2014…

1. God Has The Plan –  Calm Down, relax!  No matter what you are facing, God has your best interest in mind.  It doesn’t mean this year will be easy, but it does mean that He will hold everyday in His hand.  Your family, your job, your health, everything is in God’s hand and His perfect will.  Maybe you are facing debt or a sickness, Jesus identifies with how you feel and what you are going through.

Action Plan:  Take a 4 hour period of time and ask God for a plan for 2014.

2. It’s By God’s Provision  –  The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  God owns it ALL!  He is our provider and this next year may provide challenges to your finances and your family.  At the beginning of the year make a faith financial gift to advance His kingdom and start the year by putting God first in your finances. Everything you have is by His hand of grace and provision.   If you are in debt, believe God for a plan and the discipline to get out.  No matter your situation be thankful.

Action Plan:  You’ve almost made it through 2013!  make a list of the different ways God has provided, then pray and thank God for each one.

3. Depend on God’s Protection  –  God looks out for us even when we don’t even realize He is there.  Commit to let God fight every one of your battles in 2014.  Maybe it’s a work conflict, maybe it is a family issue.  Our responsibility is to be a person of peace and depend on God.  God has your back so let Him prove Himself faithful to you in the new year.

Action Plan:  Gather your family for 15 minutes, Discuss the above and pray over your family Psalm 91 for protection in 2014.

Above all else, remember Psalm 89:1 and may it be your blessing in 2014:  “I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”

See you in the new year!



217church is a multi-site church in Mercer County NJ with small groups for families in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater.  Our new East Windsor Campus Launches Sunday January 12th, 2014  10:15 am at Ethel McKnight School.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services in Hamilton at 9:30 or 11 am! Visit www.217church.com.  If you want to be in on the ground floor of a new exciting church planting environment, contact our East Windsor Campus Pastor Dan Gay at Dan@217church.com.




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