After many conversations with elders, leaders, others in our congregation, and outside advisors over the last 6 weeks, we have made the decision as 217church to go to ONE SERVICE at EACH CAMPUS beginning March 8. Our new service times will be 10:00am in Hamilton at the AMC24 and 11:00am in Robbinsville at Sharon School. One thing is for sure, we have had an incredible impact over the past 5 years and we are gearing up to be as healthy as we can in order to fulfill the vision God has called us to over the next 5 years.
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.“ Colossians 1:28
Keep in mind the weekend services are just ONE aspect of our mission to be a restored, family sent on mission to make disciples. We believe positioning our weekends in the new format will do some key things that will cause us to operate more healthy over these next months. our vision isn’t changing but our implementation plan is. This is one of the things I love about our church, your incredible commitment to whatever it takes! Our weekends are designed to help us Pursue God Passionately and lead people to small group community to become disciple makers. This isn’t a step back, but a step forward. Here’s why we are making the switch.
Why One Service At Each Campus?
1. Prayer Focus – At Hamilton, because we have 2 services, and our first service started at 9:30 am, we had less time to pray and connect with each other before the services. All the staff agrees that we envision our church before and after services to be a place where PRAYER is of utmost priority! 9:20-9:45 will be our prayer time in Hamilton and 10:15-10:40 in Robbinsville. We need to pray for each other, pray through scripture, and intercede for what God will do through the services! I am truly excited for this! We need to reset the culture to be one where prayer and spiritual response is the primary focus both before, during, and after services. What would it be like to be a church where over 100 people gathered before we worshiped corporately to pray for God to move mightily across the 2 campuses.
Your Role: Double down in Your commitment to PRAY together on Sunday
2. BIG WIN for our 217kids Ministry – Especially in Hamilton because we had 2 services, this meant we needed to staff twice as many kids co-workers. We need to empower and make one High Quality experience for our kids in each campus. I believe this will allow more 217kids coworkers to connect and our kids and tots will be ministered to more effectively. They need support and a new platform to build from. We love our children so much! Our KIDS COWORKERS ARE AMAZING! We are starting a BRAND NEW KIDS CURRICULUM in a few weeks and I am very pumped about this. Our goal is to drive the stake of the Gospel so deep in their young lives that when they are older, they will only wander so far from it.
Your Role: Consider your role in our 217kids ministry
3. My Strategic Presence – In a 2 service system, I get to spend more time with the Robbinsville campus and augment what is happening after the preaching. The Sharon School facility will allow us to do lunches, trainings, and fellowships after services to build into the body onsite at the school! I am so excited about this. Tremendous things have happened. I am so pleased we were willing to take a risk and start another campus when we did. The TEAM IS DOING A GREAT JOB of welcoming people in and the Gospel is going forward and people are being added to His kingdom!
Your Role: Step up and join a weekend team
4. Unity and Connection – We feel as a staff we need a season of togetherness in Hamilton for one service in order to grow strong for the next season God is calling us to as a total church. I am thinking that some of you will choose to migrate to the Robbinsville Campus because of the service time change. Ever since we went to 2 services in Hamilton it meant we didn’t have a full room of people worshiping together and BOTH CAMPUSES NEED TO BE REALLY STRONG if we are going to continue to Plant churches and add campuses. Our services are incredible opportunities to corporately build up, receive the word, and gain strength for our week.
Your Role: Consider which campus you are committed to, then go all in with a small group
I have so much positive anticipation regarding these changes. Comment below, I would love to dialogue about how you feel and hear your thoughts.
This Sunday at 217church
March 8- Joy & Our Future – Our 5 Year Anniversary Celebration! We will Reveal some Faith Steps God is asking us to take as a church and rally around the vision.
Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ. 217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 10:00am and Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ at 11:00. Our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday. If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information.
I knowy family and I are looking forward to what is in store for the church. I think this will make us healthier as a church family and community. I’ll miss enjoying worship twice, but I think the energy from having all the congregation in one service at Hamilton will be a big benefit.
Thank you to the elders, leaders, others in our congregation, and outside advisors for making this decision. I have been attending 217Church for 4+ years (shy 6 months from the beginning) and I think it’s time to go back to the basics to help us grow stronger again. I am excited to see what more the Lord will use us all for.
Thanks Marisol! The new service times are working great! looking forward to an awesome Easter
I can’t wait to see what happens, I can already feel the momentum! Thanks John