Faith is a tricky thing. I’ll never forget packing up to move to New Jersey from the west coast. We had faith we were doing the right thing, but in the back of my mind, I remember watching that last box going on the moving truck thinking, “Are we doing the right thing?” Having faith is commanded, commended and at the same time, we must not be foolish because of our faith. Realize this, having faith will make us appear foolish but there is a line and a tension we have to manage. Here are some ways to manage the tension.
Sometimes you know that you know you need a change, TAKE THE STEP.
“Never try and explain God until you have obeyed him. The only part of God we understand is the part we have obeyed.” Oswald Chambers
How To Know When To Take a Faith Step
1. Read Your Bible –
God is speaking to you, period. The question is, “are you listening?” Many times we want to do things for the wrong motivations. The bible is good at pointing out our character inconsistencies and allowing us to see ourselves like God sees us. Motivation matters to God and He sees our hearts.
2. Confirmation From Others –
I don’t mean from everyone, but from a few trusted advisors. I usually will listen to my critics but I will trust those who are my cheerleaders. If my trusted advisors say, “I am a fool,” well, I probably should back off. If you are making the decision alone, You are probably about to blow it.
3. Depend On Prayer and Fasting –
If you are making a big decision and haven’t prayed AND FASTED (yes that means food deprivation) about it, STOP HERE! Skip a meal, find a corner or a tree, or wherever it is you go to meet with GOD, and plant yourself there for a half day, a couple of hours, maybe a weekend. Listen, not that you need it, but I AM GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO SKIP CHURCH SUNDAY AND FAST ALL DAY TO HEAR CLEARLY FROM GOD. (Nehemiah 1)
4. Be Faithful WHERE YOU ARE –
THIS MEANS OBEDIENCE TO WHAT HE ALREADY HAS TOLD YOU TO DO. If you can’t serve and be content where you are, what makes you think you will be joyful somewhere else? Discontentment does not necessarily mean you need a faith step, it means you might need a kick in the pants to do what you know to do now. Circumstances must not dictate all our emotions. Learn to self manage and just be faithful where God has you now, with the little things. This is all He asks. Many times kicking a door down for your future will not work out well for you. If you ARE being faithful, maybe he has prepared you for the next phase? GO FOR IT!
5. Sometimes No Decision is the Best Decision –
If there is really no need for a big faith step, than staying where you are is probably the right thing to do. I have seen so many times people force a decision, when a final decision WASN’T NEEDED. Remember, delayed does not mean denied and God’s timing usually isn’t our timing. In the bible, Joseph learned this while waiting for his imprisonment to end.
6. You May Never Know –
Sorry to leave you with this as the final word, but you may never know, “what would have happened if?” That thinking will paralyze you. Why do you have to know? Let God be in control. Be ever perceiving his voice, and slow down your decision making process. Slow and steady. It seems to me God is never in a rush, and you won’t surprise HIM, but you may be surprised by HIM.
You’ve got this – now listen to the Spirit and start or stop where appropriate.
This Sunday at 217church our New Series – Extraordinary Faith “Faith & Action” (The book of James 2:13-18)
Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ. 217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 10:00am and Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ at 11:00. Our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday. If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, we would love to have you join us. Don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information. or watch a weekend message here
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