The start of this week was terrible, unthinkable, unbearable. So much loss of life…senseless loss of life in Las Vegas. How is it possible that human life was so disregarded? Children, husbands and wives, their lives obliterated. I could write about many aspects of the tragedy, and so many have done such a great job writing about what to do about this evil that happened. (You can read what one of my mentors wrote here.) But I live so far away from Vegas, and need to impact and make a difference in my local neighborhood and community. What should I do? There are some tangible things each of us can do. If we all do these things, hope will abound.
5 Things You Should Never Wait On…
1. Saying ‘I Love You’ – Do they know? I mean do they really know? Have you looked them in the eye and told them how you feel about them. They need to hear it today. I’m not sure who, but there has to be someone in your life who needs to know. Don’t wait any longer, Tell them. How could you change someone’s life with those three simple words?
2. Helping Someone Around You – Simply open your eyes and the needs will appear. So many are so desperate, and if you will take the time and put your thoughts into actions, you will transform someone’s life. But, you have to be willing. A teen, your lonely classmate, your co-worker, someone going through a divorce, someone who no one else talks to. Help someone.
3. Getting Help For Yourself – This is why I do what I do. I wish more people would just take initiative and ask for help. It will be ok and you need to know that more people care than you think. Maybe every break has went against you and you feel hopeless. Isn’t it time? Maybe you are addicted. Maybe you have contemplated suicide. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and my prayer is that you get help.
4. Making a Change You Know Needs To Happen – Has there been something you have been putting off for a very long time that you just know needs to take place? Today is the day. I know it’s hard, I know you may feel alone, but you need to do it. Things won’t be right until you do, so make it happen.
5. Invite Someone to Walk With You – Relationships are everything. Maybe you feel like things are going well for you and you have made progress in your life. Your greatest impact will come from your deepest wound and if you have achieved a measure of victory, you have to share it. It is what you were created to do.
Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a contemporary church in Mercer County NJ. 217church meets Sundays at 9:30am & 11:00am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ. Visit for more information, or watch a weekend message here.
Mandelay Bay Image by Ed Bierman is licensed under CC by 2.0
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