Pain – Day 63 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 125, 126

Key Verse:  Psalm 126:5

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!”


It has often been said, that we are either 1) going into a trial in life, 2) in the middle of the trial or 3) on our way out.  It is so amazing how awesome we feel when we have gone through difficult times in life and God brings deliverance.  We feel renewed; we have hope and unspeakable joy.  It doesn’t feel good when we’re going through but God has a way of totally restoring us and giving us “Beauty for our Ashes!!!


There have been a few times in my life that I have planted and sown in tears, but the harvest was incredibly rich!  Sometimes God brings us through so powerfully that we can’t wait to go through again, just to see how He brings us out, (that might be exaggerating a bit, but you get my point).  How soon we forget the pain, because the harvest is so plentiful.  2010 was a very difficult year for me; I was tested in tried in many areas of my life.  I found myself counting down the minutes to the end of the year loud and boldly, I couldn’t wait for the turn of the clock and a fresh new beginning.

It’s not the changing of the year or the date that made the difference, it was that I believed that God was positioning me for change, and that He was preparing me for something incredible, and He has.  I haven’t forgotten the things that happened in 2010 and I probably never will, but I am so blessed and totally enjoying where God has me in 2011. I am so thankful for the journey and the outcome.  I believe the experiences that we go through in life, are just food and preparation for the journey.


God, I thank you for every experience and situation that you have allowed me to encounter.  I know that it has made me stronger and wiser.  I don’t always enjoy it when I’m on the journey, but I know that you will equip me with exactly what I need.  Help me Lord, to be patient and accepting of whatever path you direct me in. Thank you for the journey!!!

By Debbee 217staff team

Focus – Day 62 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 123, 124

Key Verse:  Psalm 123:1

“To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens!”


This psalm writes about where our eyes should go to.  Quite simply, our eyes should look  to our God, our master.  But at the same time, we don’t deserve to look upon the Lord.  We are sinful beings, ones that do not deserve what God has given to us, but yet He still chooses to.  Jesus taught us to look unto God in our prayers, and that we should lift things up to Him when in need.  In the same manner of a servant, we should look towards God not only for our needs, but also for direction, for everything that a servant needs of his master.


When I read this Psalm, one big thing jumps out at me.  Vision.  Not so much that God is giving me some kind of vision for the future, or for my life, but more along the lines of what our focus is on.  Is our focus on God?  Or is it on something else.  Too many times in my life, I’ve focused on the other things besides God.  My vision is already skewed enough, it doesn’t need to be skewed by other things, but it still happens.  How often is God not the focus of your life?  Isn’t it easy to lose focus on Him, and to not look towards Him?  One thing that I’ve been learning throughout my walk with Christ is that my focus should be on Him 24/7.  When you constantly look upon the Lord for everything, such as a servant looks upon his master, you will be taken care of.  But even with that, we can lose sight and focus for a second, and it’s all downhill from there.

Vision.  Sight.  What is yours?  20/20? God/God?  It isn’t easy, we’re so easily distracted.  When’s the last time you had to focus upon something and you weren’t distracted.  His call for us is to look upon Him constantly.  Not just for 5 minutes of a day, but all day, at all times.  Usually, what that focus is during the day is what feeds into everything else.  That focus towards that single goal, or single unit, that drives us. I need to make my focus my Lord and Saviour.  That center and focus should through everything else.  It’s never easy, but being immersed in His Word, prayer, serving, and accountability from the body of Christ help me keep my focus.


Lord, so many times in the span of the day, I take my eyes off of you.  Too many times I look towards other things during the day that hinder me from You.  Lord, renew the focus in my life, help me sharpen my metal against another that I may be one to sharpen my focus, my energy, my passion.  We want You to be the center of our lives.

By Tim 217staff team

No Sleeping – Day 61 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 121, 122

Key Verse:  Psalm 121:3-4

“He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. 
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”


This Psalm is a beautiful expression of remembering God as our helper. It brings a certain intimacy that is revealed in God’s relationship with His people. It is a reminder that our Help comes from the Lord and His will not forget what we are going through.


Have you ever felt like God has left you? Like you can’t hear His voice and do you wonder if He is even there? I wonder sometimes in those moments if I am asking the right questions. This Psalm states something about God that is crucial to us in the times where we can’t seem to feel Him. The promise is that God will NEVER sleep on what we seek Him for. He keeps us from the things that are outside of His will. Sometimes we feel like He is dormant but I assure because the scripture does that He NEVER does. Instead of getting down on wondering whether or not God is listening, let’s become a people and a church that is excited for the fact that our God is alive and awake to our prayers! Let’s celebrate because of what He WILL do instead of complain about what He hasn’t done yet. My prayer is that we begin to live as a church in anticipation for the works of God over frustration of own desires.


Thank you for never leaving me and for giving me your presence always.  Thanks for not falling asleep on me

By Kevin 217staff team

Answers – Day 60 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 119, 120

Key Verse:  Psalm 119:24

“Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.”


God’s Word give the answers man longs to hear. Throughout this Psalm, it repeats over & over the longing for being righteous, yearning for God’s
 word, commandments and the desire to be obedient & faithful! This Psalm is an alphabetic acrostic.  Each word in each section begins with the same Hebrew letter.  Pretty amazing.


I remember being in my teens and being introduced to horoscopes, tarot cards, mood rings and compatibility finders searching for answers. I remember my free subscription of daily horoscope email that always seemed to be spot on! That was… Until I started reading all of them & realized I was not only a Cancer, but a Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius too. And then I thought my mood ring was broken because it always seemed to be stuck on blue, and at that age I was not always a happy camper.  When I filled out my last compatibility finder to a boyfriend that was everything but compatible to me, I gave it up.  I was a typical 90’s teen looking for answers, hope & love in all the wrong places. In my late teens, I picked up the Bible & began to read it freely and it was then I heard God’s voice. He didn’t say tell me my future in love, when success will come my way or whether I was happy or sad at that moment, but He taught me about patience, how to love and who His Son was.

The point is, I learned that no amount of horoscopes, fortune tellers or teen magazines could give me what I was truly searching for. To read the stories of the people in the Bible and to see their trials, tribulations and victories was immeasurable compared to the small stumbling blocks I had faced. To read about their moments of absolute rock bottom, their tortures, their obedience & their love towards God taught me that His Word is all we need….


God, thank you for the testimonies of your people. Thank you for giving me a book that has an answer to everything I could possibly endure in this
life.  I pray for those who struggle with your word and are still searching for other avenues. You have provided us with everything we could ever need
on this earth and I pray that more people come to see this and rejoice in it! Thank you for your protection, guidance and answering our prayers. I will meditate
on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.  I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.

By Sandy 217staff team

Elevate – Day 59 of 75 Days

Key Verse:  Psalm 117  (Shortest Psalm Ever)

“Praise the LORD, all nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.”


That sums it all up doesn’t it. Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the bible, just two verses, but those verses are a great summary to be in PRAISE, to continuously WORSHIP and to have FAITH.


We are to tell all people of his great love for us and to shout it from the highest rooftop. In the dictionary, extol means: “to honor, to praise highly, glorify, laud” it even said to eulogize. We are to be obvious worshippers. You don’t eulogize someone in quiet but rather in public telling others what that person meant to you and how they changed your life. That is our call. 1 Peter 3:15 says that we are to be prepared to tell others the “hope that is in us”. That hope is Jesus and how he brought and continually brings me from the mires of my own selfishness to show me that there is light and hope and passion and love and purpose for why he put me here. “All things work together for good for those that are called according to HIS purpose”. Not mine, but His! Think about this when things aren’t going so well…. I have been called by my Lord to serve HIS purpose for this time and season and HE is faithful and HIS love for me endures forever. If you don’t know what that purpose is then get down on you hands and knees, humble yourself confess any sin you are hanging on to and then ASK then LISTEN.


I pray that God will reveal these things for this season your life…

1.     He is faithful and will not give you more than you can handle

2.     It is by His strength that we can carry it out

3.     He put you there for HIS purpose

By Dan 217staff team

Motivation! – Day 58 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 115, 116

Key Verse:  Psalm 115:1

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.”


The glory and praise does not belong to us.


How is it that a fledgling church can see such incredible growth? Because of the amazing vision of it’s staff? Because of the dedication of it’s leadership team? Because of the phenomenal co-workers who come early each weekend to set up and serve? Because of the allure and aroma of fresh coffee? Is it because of 98 signs in the parking lot, an adorably energetic bear, and a bright, cheerful children’s area from which giggles and songs echo down the hallway? Maybe the generosity of a congregation that cares about kids who need school supplies?

All of that would simply be empty activity, void of meaning and purpose without the one we do it all for. Josh!? Heck no! He would be the first to bench me if he thought my motivation was to please him. And we would not see the blessing we have experienced if we were doing it just because the pastor said so. It is because we do all of this planning and preparation for the purpose of pleasing our God that we have been so blessed. We deserve none of the praise. People are renewed and restored, lives are rebuilt, healing is found – not because we pray, but because we pray to the giver of life – the one whose steadfast love and faithfulness made all of this possible.


Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. May your church always be a place for those who are not here yet. We are here so that they too can know your love and faithfulness. Bless what is to come because we do it for you and give you all the glory!

By Bonnie 217staff team

Highly Unlikely – Day 57 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 113, 114

Key Verse:  Psalm 113:7

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people.”


God will surprise us by using people and things we thought were unusable. This is a theme in scripture.   God is in the business of making princes and princesses out of highly unlikely candidates.  The title of the Psalm asks a rhetorical question as if to say, “no one compares to our God.”  After all, no one thinks like God and understands and fathoms his plans.  No ones sees the possibility of a redeemed life quite like God does, but is it possible to start to see people as God sees them?  I think so.

Jesus was born in an unlikely place and the disciples weren’t the educated elite of the day.  It is highly likely that the next person to change the face of 217church will come from an unlikely place.


One of the primary roles of the leader is leadership selection.  One of the things I tell people who want to lead well is, “Start selecting leaders!”  Don’t always look in the obvious places. Jesus didn’t. He went out and chose smelly fishermen that followed him.  I am looking for some people to serve alongside of 217church right now that don’t have degrees, amazing qualifications, or that want a “titled position.” Quite frankly I want people who will park cars with incredible excellence and attention to detail.  Our next Pastor will probably first lead the parking ministry.  I’M DEAD SERIOUS!  If you are too good to park cars you don’t understand what Jesus did for you, and you don’t understand grace, humility and servant leadership.  Until you can care for a first time guest like Jesus would, I don’t want you anywhere near a LEADERSHIP TEAM!

What I am looking for are these things:

  • Character – I could care less how “good”, “likable”, or “charismatic” you are.  How about respect, honor and honesty?  Doesn’t matter what your college degree says if you don’t have character.
  • Passion – I want people who are passionate about every small task. This means everything. There is NOT an insignificant task in our church!  Signage, coffee, staging, children, THEY ALL MATTER!
  • Teachability – Most people claim to be teachable, but only so long as it fits their agenda.  I want people who have a ravenous hunger to learn how to do things with class and precision.  Not haphazard whatever leaders!


God help me to be the leader who sees people as you see them.  Help me to raise the poor from the dust and to embrace the highly unlikely.

By Josh 217staff team

Control – Day 56 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 111, 112

Key Verse:  Psalm 111:10

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!”


God is in Control!  Learning to totally let go and let God handle our challenges is often very hard for us at first.  As we learn to let go, we experience just how awesome God truly is, and learn how unwise it is to distrust Him.  As we experience God’s vastness, we begin to fear Him.  This is not a boogey man or ghost-like fear, but rather a fear of offending or displeasing God; this is the beginning of wisdom. It’s during this time that we receive a better understanding, a stronger sense of God’s presence, and an even greater desire to please only Him!


Before I had personal relationship with the Lord, I thought that I was in control of everything in my life.  I didn’t seek God’s counsel, and I tried to manipulate and figure my problems out on my own.  After failing time and time again, or succeeding occasionally, but still being dissatisfied, I finally sought after God.  When I did, He improved my situation more than I could have ever imagined.  Like many people, I didn’t surrender control of every aspect of my life; it was just a little bit at first.  The miracles and blessings in my life that God worked were so powerful that I decided to give everything over to Him at long last – He blew my mind!!

It was only after letting go that I was truly at peace.  I felt different, I looked different … I was different. Everything I my life began to take shape:  He gave me a wonderful God-fearing spouse, he made my life at work better, and finally, I felt free!!!!  God was trying to get my attention for a long time, I’m sure. But before that, I was too busy to hear Him.  I’m so thankful for His mercy and His grace!!


God, I thank you for wisdom and discernment.  I thank you for peace. I thank you for getting my attention, and for never giving up on me.  I pray for your Godly wisdom daily. I am committed to stop and listen for your guidance and your direction for my life.  I surrender myself totally to your will and to your way! promises You have for us.  Thank you for allowing us to be in the position that we are in, for the better or for worse.  We love you, and thank you.

By Debbee 217staff team

Consistency – Day 55 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 109, 110

Key Verse:  Psalm 110:4

“The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind, ‘You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.’ ”


This Psalm is about the future.  Not just what’s coming in the next year or such, but even further than that, further than where we are now.  When David writes this, he talks about his LORD (God) and his Lord (Jesus).  It paints a picture of what it’ll look like when Jesus is reigning over all the earth.  After all is said and done, he will be one that gives law and judgment.  The Messiah is one that will crush his enemies, but lift up his friends and followers.  This is a prophetic Psalm, speaking of things to come, and how they will come.  One thing to note is that David writes that “The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind,…” and it shows the covenant and consistency of our God.  He made a promise, and because of his character, he would never change and will never change.


Whenever I think about the future, and I’m not just talking a week or two from now, but 10 years or more than that, maybe 25+ years, it excites me.  At the same time, it’s kind of scary.  I can’t even contemplate what that’s going to look like, but God knows what it’s going to look like.  So when reading this, there’s one big thing that jumps out at me, the consistency of God.  And though I might not know what the future holds, 25 years from now, 100 years from now, God knows.  And what God promised to us, he would not change.  And it’s exciting for me to hear that.  When reading this, I couldn’t help but get this feeling of, “I can’t wait for Jesus to come back.” Then it’ll really be living it up!  God has promised us that Jesus would come back and reign forever.  When I hear something like that, it excites me.  And there isn’t any worry that it’ll change because our God is consistent.  So now what, we have all this time.  Well, a party is only better when there are more people.  There are so many people that haven’t heard about the good news of Jesus and what he has done for us.  So, when’s the last time you talked to someone about Jesus, or invited him or her out for coffee, or even church?  Are we selfish enough to keep it to ourselves?  Heck to the no, go out there, and do something now.


Lord, Your promises never fail.  Lord, I pray for those who are unsure of what their future might look like.  I pray that they can lift those worries and fears up to You.  You know everything that has come, and that will come.  Please give us a constant reminder that as long as we trust in You, there is nothing to worry about. You are a God who is consistent, and always keeps Your promises, and may we be constantly reminded of the promises You have for us.  Thank you for allowing us to be in the position that we are in, for the better or for worse.  We love you, and thank you.

By Tim 217staff team

Transformation – Day 54 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 107, 108  (James 3)

Key Verse:  Psalm 107:33-35

“He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground,
a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants. He turns a desert into pools of water,
    a parched land into springs of water.”


This Psalm speaks to the power God has to give and take away. To transform things for his glory. He blesses what it is good but also stops the blessing from what is evil. This Psalm carries with it the promise of God to transform what can sometimes be a negative circumstance into a better one or taking something that is not of Him and not blessing it.


We will reap what we sow. If we make conscious decisions throughout our day to live and act like Jesus, we will receive the full blessing of God. I want to be a man who is after God to turn parched land into springs of water in my life. If I want the blessing, I must live in according to His purposes. I believe every time something comes out of my mouth that is not of God, I miss the opportunity to experience, receive, or even give springs of water. The idea is simple. Our God breathes, provides, and pours out blessings on His people.


Lord, help me to stay grounded to act and speak the way You would have me act and speak today. Help me to be an agent of transformation that brings water to the thirsty and hope to the hopeless.

By Kevin 217staff team…now, it’s time to get married!