Hearing God – Day 43 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 85, 86    August 7, 2011   Hearing God

Key Verse:  Psalm 85:8

Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints but let them not turn back to folly.”


There is a strong sense of honesty in the Psalms and this is what I love about them.  If we are to be fully cooperating with God, we must be honest with Him because if we express honest feelings, we will be able to hear honestly.  Hearing God, then doing whatever we want is a detestable practice to God.  God wants to speak to us and the Psalmist pleads to hear the voice of God.  There is also a strong sense of corporate responsibility for hearing God.  People is plural and the Psalmist is pleading for the whole of the nation.


Most of us are educated way beyond the level of our obedience.  The truth is, If I would just do what I know to do and not worry about “learning more” I would probably be better off.  As a church family it is critical that when we hear God’s voice we do what He says.  We must learn lessons the first time.  Hear God then change the behavior.  What I am most afraid of is the times and days when I can’t hear God.  God will speak to us through His scripture, His Church, and the Holy Spirit.  God has a good communication plan.


Lord, what I hear from you, give me the strength to change and the courage to act!

By Josh 217staff team

One Day – Day 42 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 83, 84

Key Verse:  Psalm 84:10

“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.”


While reading chapter 84 I felt such a sense of peace and calmness from beginning to end.  When everything all around us is falling apart there is no better place to be, than abiding in the presence of the Lord.

Psalm 84:10 is a scripture that I recited in church every Sunday as a child. I didn’t understand its true meaning until now.  So often we do and say things out of habit.  It’s important to live, breathe, and totally embrace God’s word, for understanding and guidance.  It is then that the word takes life and meaning.

In our Father’s house, He shields and protects us.  He has promised to give us grace and peace if we diligently seek Him.  “I would rather live one day in God’s house than one thousand in the sinful world.


We have so much to look forward to in the future, living in the presence of God with total peace and joy. Awesome!!!  I am also reminded that this journey on earth is worth the rewards that are waiting for us.  This is preparation and training ground and it’s temporary! We get a snapshot of what’s to come in Psalm 27: One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.


Lord, I thank you for this journey; I thank you for the experiences and daily challenges that I face.  I know that this is temporary and that you are preparing and equipping me for the things to come.  Please remove anything that may be a hindrance. There is no better place to be than in your presence. Protect me Lord from evil and pain and help me to be mindful of the things that I say, do and think that may bring pain to others.

By Debbee 217staff team

Scales – Day 41 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 81, 82

Key Verse:  Psalm 82:8

“Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!.”


This Psalm almost seems like a doomsday blog. The first couple verses ask those who are the ministers of how long they will be wicked and corrupt.  We see that as of late, there are those who are corrupt, and show favor to those who shouldn’t, and let those who need it just pass on by.  Then from v. 3-4, it shows what they should be doing, which is the exact opposite of what some of them were doing before, and should be doing, it’s being just. In the next verse, it starts by saying “they”, and that isn’t about the people that are weak and fatherless, but about the “gods” and that they don’t know what they are doing, and it’s like walking in the dark, one has no idea where they are going.  In v. 6-7, you see the justice of God that those who are corrupt will die like men.  The last verse is one of hope, like a prayer, wanting God to come down and to judge the earth, for he is just.


When I read Psalms like this, talking about how God is just, it really causes me to slow down and think about what that really means, to be just.  The definition that comes to mind of justice is the reward and/or penalty that is deserved.  And when I think about what I really deserve, it kind of scares me of what that is.  I know what that is, because the penalty of sin is death, but it still scares me regardless.  But to know that God sent his only son to die on a cross for my sins so I wouldn’t have to, man oh man, pretty awesome.  I’m a sinful person, and sometimes I try and fit God into a box that I created, but because of my sinful nature there is absolutely no way that I can get God to fit into a box that I created.  And because God is good, He is the one that sets those standards for us, and he is the eternal judge.  It’s funny for me that I think about how much God hates sin, but He loves us even more.  And the enemy is constantly working at ways to make us think that the scales are tipped out of our favor, but it couldn’t be more wrong.  An interesting quote that I ran across was “the enemy isn’t afraid of me, but he sure as anything is afraid of the guy behind me.” Wow, I have no power, but the God I serve, is all-mighty and all-powerful, and He will judge those who need to be judged, which pretty much happens to be everyone.  We deserve death for our sin, but His son’s sacrifice balanced the scales of judgment.


Lord, we thank you for being all-powerful, all knowing, but also that you are just.  There are so many things that we deserve, but I thank you for the sacrifice Jesus made for me.  I pray that every step I take, every conversation that I have, every interaction that I have, is with the authority of you Jesus.  As we continue in reading Your word, and hearing Your voice, I pray that it is with open hearts and open minds.  May we be constantly reminded of what You have done, what You are saving us from and what you are calling us to.

By Tim 217staff team

Restoration – Day 40 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 79, 80

Key Verse:  Psalm 80:19

“Restore us, LORD God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.”


I love the tone this Psalm is written with. It is a raw, uncensored, and real depiction of what our hearts can feel at times when we have no clue what God is doing. The writer seems to have a hard time trying to figure out if God has abandoned the people or if He is angry or both. This psalm is a plea to God to RESTORE His people unto Him. It is almost like a prayer of repentance to be reunited with God.


Sometimes I distance myself from God a little bit when I feel like I don’t know what He is doing in my life or where He wants me to go. It’s almost as though I am either scared to find out what it is, or ashamed from something I did or said without His guidance. It is important to remember that God’s desire is always to restore His people unto Him. He wants to shine His face on us that we may be saved. This psalm reminds me to never keep distance from God when I feel confused or ashamed, rather pray earnest and honest prayers like the one in verse 19. May we be a people who always pray this prayer.


Lord restore us to you. Make your face shine on us that we may be saved. We want to see everything it is you are calling us to. Keep us honest with ourselves. Honest enough to pray our true desires and thoughts to you. Show your favor on us as we draw closer to you and to what you have in store for us. Thank you for this day you have given us and grant us wisdom, power, and strength to make much of your name today. Amen.

By Kevin 217staff team

Planting Seeds – Day 39 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 77, 78    (Watch the weekend message “Generations” here)

Key Verse:  Psalm 78:4

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord and his might, and the wonders that he has done...”


Asaph had written Psalm 78 to put emphasis on telling the generations of the works of God. It’s a great overview of God’s faithfulness to His people. He knows how important it is to tell the coming generations about the deeds of the Lord & all the 1st steps taken up until the coming of Jesus.  Without the books handed down from generation to generation, so much would have gotten lost and I probably wouldn’t be writing.


I can remember sitting in my grandfather’s presence listening to his stories over & over again throughout my 25 years with him. I remember the stories of, “When I went to school, I had to walk 5 miles, uphill… both ways, in 10 ft of snow,” and when he served in the war, when bread was a nickel & how he had to share a bedroom with his 8 brothers & sisters.  He was on mission to tell me his story every chance he had so that someone would remember his life & the world as it once was. On the other hand, I had a grandfather in my 20 years who never shared his past because of various reasons, but now, his legacy is lost…

Asaph understands the importance of pouring into our generations with the word of God. If we carry the attitude, that I once had, of ‘youth today are full of issues, they’re ungrateful, spoiled, etc,’ we will loose the importance of generational teaching by becoming selfish & hypocritical. I’ve learned that I do not know everything. It took 23 years, but at the ripe old age of 27 :-), I have learned I do not know everything, but the knowledge I do possess should be poured into the boys & girls who are not as fortunate as I was & did not have the luxury of being taught simple things like: who Jesus is, how to read the Bible, self respect, having a work ethic & respecting your elders.

It’s all about the younger generation because when you are gone, they will still be here. And as long as the return of Jesus has not yet happened, everyone deserves to know who He is so that they may be saved as well.  Heaven does not have a maximum occupancy.  It’s time to put down our judgments and teach those who we may feel are un-teachable.  After all, we are called to plant the seed and plant the seed only.


Thank you Lord for keeping your people strong and for keeping your words alive throughout the generations!  I feel blessed to be in a country where we can speak of You freely, teach about You freely & praise You immensely! I pray for those who do not know you; may someone on your path plant the seed inside their heart so that they may know your Word. I pray for those who have a hard time relating to the youth today & know it’s only their job to teach your words & not their own. Bring wisdom to those working with our youth & I pray that a new generation of Christ followers will rise up and bring glory to You! I pray for bold prayers to be prayed so that we may take those that do not know you & show them your mercy, grace & love. Thank you for showing us who You are and for loving us enough to save us…Amen.

By Sandy 217staff team

Fear God – Day 38 of 75 Days

Hey everyone!  We are officially half way through the 75 Days and we have seen some incredible things happen already this summer.  We have seen powerful worship services, 17 baptisms, many 217group service projects, awesome youth events, and we just started 217kids camp!  Today our guest blogger is one of our college students help planting a church in Virginia on a college Campus.  She is also a 217kids camp team leader.  I am looking forward to the 2nd half of the summer.  It will be a great August!

Scripture Read:  Psalm 75, 76

Key Verse:  Psalm 76:11

“Make your vows to the LORD your God and perform them;
let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared.”


Many times we tend to limit our powerful God to something that we can control. We tend to forget how we are ultimately supposed to fear our father in heaven through worship.  The book of Exodus talks about how no one could see the face of God and survive. Even Moses who received the 10 commandments had to be shielded by the hand of the Lord until he had passed by. If we truly feared God our vows and promises would be kept, and our ways would change. So why don’t we?


This past week I was reminded of the power of God. I went on a serving trip with middle school students and I was reminded of how small I had made my God. I had taken him and used him for what I wanted to and I prayed for the things that I thought I needed but I was limiting God. I was confused about who God was and how big he was. Each place we visited and served we prayed that God’s will would be done, not our own. I had never seen so much dependence as we all turned to God throughout the day. We worshiped him through our service and we learned to fear God by letting him take a greater control of our lives. It was scary at first but as we became more dependent on God, I learned to seek him out of reverence through worship and wanting to please him. This is the way that God was praised and worshiped in Exodus by the Israelites and this is what we should be doing each day.


Remind me to worship you everyday, throughout the day. Let me not forget how good you are. You are my creator and are so much bigger than I could ever imagine. Use me the way you want me to be used, not the way I have asked. Thank you so much for all that you have done and all that you will do!

By Alissa 217kids camp team leader

No Boundaries – Day 37 of 75 Days

Okay, we are caught up…I apologize for any mis-communication!

Scripture Read:  Psalm 73, 74

Key Verse:  Psalm 74:16-17

“Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun. You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter.”


In this chapter David is reminding God about the evil he sees around him as if God didn’t already know. It goes something like this, “They did this, they did that, and did you see what they did to us?” About halfway through this rant he turns his focus to God. “But you, O God, are my king . . . ” And he begins to recall the things that God has done – again as if God has forgotten what he himself is capable of: brought salvation, broke open the sea, killed the monsters, dried up the rivers, created day, night, summer and winter. Apparently, recounting all of these things calls for a big finish. So, he encourages God, “Rise up and defend your cause.”


Hang on. Rewind. “Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun. You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter.”  God knows what is going on in my life. Yes, he wants to converse with me about it. He wants me to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others. I should recount the awesome things I have seen him do in my time here on earth. I should be paying attention to the consequences of disobedience. And both should be reminders to me that he is more than capable of stepping in when his timing is right. He wants me to live by his example. The light and darkness, time and season, and the reasons for each were created by him for us. I want to live in them knowing by his power he will move me through each with purpose. He knows the boundaries.


Creator of all beginnings and endings, teach me to be content in every season of life.

By Bonnie 217staff team

Generations – Day 36 of 75 Days

This weekend was an amazing experience at 217church!  Our 217youth and 217kids are incredible and we will value them and train them in the ways of Christ.  I love watching them exceed all expectations!  They are the leaders and the church of TODAY!  Let’s encourage them and love them so they become greater than us!

Scripture Read:  Psalm 71, 72

Key Verse:  Psalm 71:17-18

“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”


All else is lost to David until he proclaims God to the next generation!  David is drawing on the faithfulness of God throughout all generations highlighting the eternity of God and his limitless bounds.  For David he is intentional about making sure the next generation hears of a God who has might and power to protect be the refuge and strength of his nation.  David realizes it is his job to pass the baton and entrust his knowledge and faith to the generation that comes after him.


My children are more important to me than anything on the face of the earth.  As I prayed for them last night, I pondered their amazing value to God and the tremendous responsibility that I carry.  That responsibility is to teach them to trust in Jesus and his forgiveness of sins for their very lives.  My role is to show them value and to train them up in the ways of Jesus that they may teach their children.  We find these generational responsibilities in other places like Psalm 78:1-8 and 2 Timothy 2:2.  Paul trains Timothy and expects him to entrust the message of Jesus to faithful men who will entrust the message to other faithful men.  That is 4 generations of Christ followers we are responsible to see in just one verse!  Each one of us needs to be pouring into the next generation of Christ followers.  I can’t wait to see how God uses the young people of 217church today and tomorrow!  They are the leaders of today.  Value them and train them.


Lord I pray each of us would take seriously the mission and responsibility of nurturing and raising up Christ followers to the 4th generation!

By Josh 217staff team
P.S.  See you at 217kids camp on Tuesday!

Seasons – Day 35 of 75 Days

Somehow there was a mistake in posting this, so I am re-posting this today.  I apologize for any inconvenience!

Scripture Read:  Psalm 69, 70

Key Verse:  Psalm 69:10

“When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting, it became my reproach.”


Psalm 69 was David’s passionate cry for divine help.  He was sinking lower as a result of his own sin.  Even though people mocked and laughed at him, he consistently prayed in hopes of receiving God’s favor. David was going through an extremely tough time in his life.  I’m sure he felt abandoned.  He had more enemies than he could count.  He was being attacked from every direction.  I believe that it was at this point, David realized the enormity of his sins and the impact it could have on others.


This scripture takes me back to a time in my life when I found myself in a very difficult position where I worked.  I worked with very difficult people who thrived on watching others fail. They took great pleasure in assisting with the downfall of others.  It was through this experience that my prayer life exploded.  I can remember fasting and praying weekly for strength just to make it through the next day and week. It seemed the more I prayed and fasted the more difficult the job became.  I really learned to fully rely on God and I gained tremendous strength through fasting and praying. It became my way of life.  The experience made me stronger than I ever imagined.  It was then that I realized that God knows not only every sin I have committed but He knows the thoughts and sins of everyone.  I believe that we all go through seasons in our lives where we are desperate for God’s help, and we pray without ceasing.  This psalm is a reminder to pray for others that may be in a time of seeking favor for their lives.


Dear Lord, I pray for those that may be in a season of seeking you for a favorable outcome with finances, with sickness, with marriages, with children or with the loss of a loved one.  Lord I pray that you would touch their hearts, touch their minds, souls and spirits and help them to know you and to experience your love.  I pray that you would hear their prayers and shower them with your abounding love, grace and mercy.

By Debbee 217staff team

Protector – Day 34 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 67, 68

Key Verse:  Psalm 68:5

“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is the God in his holy habitation.”


This particular psalm is not just any song, but it is like a story of what happened to the nation of Israel.  Looking at the Psalm, it breaks down into four parts, like 4 parts to a story.  The first section (v. 1-6), tells us about God and what he does for people.  He doesn’t say anything about a specific group of people, but for everyone in general.  The next section (v. 7-18) tells us about God and Him leading His people out of Egypt and to the Promised Land.  Telling us about what His people had to go through, and the journey that they had to take, and the enemies that they had to face.  Next, (v. 19-31) talks more about God and what the people do with singing.  The word procession comes up, and it is when a group of people take a walk together, and you see them and what they do.  The last part (v. 32-35) tells us to continually praise God and to not forget what He has done for us.


One thing that I have a struggle with is to not treat God as my boss.  When I read this Psalm, God tells me that there is so much more than just being the one that has a check-list and marks down if I got certain things done on time or not, or if I showed up for all the functions or not.  The Lord is so much more than that, He is a God who cares about me, and wants to have a relationship with me.  The verse that stuck out was verse 5, when he writes that God is a father of the fatherless, and the protector of widows.  I want to be a person that views God as a protector, father figure, someone who cares about me and wants to be with me.  One thing that I always hear about Christianity is that it’s a relationship and not a religion.  And as cliché as that might sound, it’s true.  We serve a God who doesn’t want just what we do for Him, but a God who loves us, and wants to be in a relationship with us, so am I doing right by just going to Him, and my prayers are like weekly meetings?  I’m pretty sure my relationship is different between a boss and a father figure, one is business and the other is more personable.  And in that same way, I never want to forget about what God has done for me.  Sometimes, I feel so clouded and confused and distressed, and I feel like God has left me, but I keep on forgetting about the promises that God has for me, and the promises that God has fulfilled for me already.  Unconditional love is a term that comes to mind.  There will be no one in this world that will be able to show me that love, even parents, who are the best example here on earth, can get a little annoyed.  God is that perfect figure, and He loves me, not because I’m a worker, but because I am a child of God.


Lord, we are just in awe of what You do and what You provide.  You continue to watch over us, You want the best for us, and for that, there is nothing that we can express in our gratitude.  I pray that as we continue to read through this series, that we can just get a grasp of Your glory, and of who You are.  Thank you for constantly watching over me, and for wanting the best for me.  May I constantly turn towards You in times of struggle, knowing that You will constantly work towards making that better.  We love you, and I pray that we will constantly praise you and lift you up in all that we do.

By Tim 217staff team