I can’t believe it! This Sunday we will celebrate seven years of worshiping together as a church family in Mercer County, NJ. This Sunday I am speaking about what is called a DOUBLE BLESSING! God is in the business of replacing our burdens with blessing! It’s right in front of us, waiting for us to reach out in faith and realize it as a church. So many people sacrificed so much so we could pursue the vision to Rebuild Lives one Person at a time. Realize our church never would have happened without those who have believed FROM THE BEGINNING! Our mother church – Princeton Alliance Church believed in the vision first! You are an incredible congregation doing impactful ministry here and around the world! Thank You!
“Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion…therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion. Isaiah 61:7
Many of you who read this are a part of another local church family in another community. We have always viewed our local church as a kingdom building church. This means that even if you won’t be with us for our 7 year celebration, take these seven action steps and appropriately implement them in your life and in your local context.
7 Ways To Celebrate Our 7 Years Together…
1 – Renew Your Commitment – How committed are you to your local church? Let’s DOUBLE DOWN on our commitments! We have the privilege of being the ones in this season who are preparing the church for the NEXT season. Going forward, I am looking for those who will stand with me to be rigorously committed to our church family as vision owners. Here is a short version of our vision ownership covenant:
- Spread the Vision of the church – By being baptized and get sent
- Share the Responsibility of the church – By immersing yourself in small group community
- Serve the Ministry of the church – By using your gifts and be a regular part of a ministry team
- Support the Future of the church – By giving regularly to the mission of the church
2 – Get Baptized – We have celebrated 250+ #BIGWINS through baptism! Some of you have never taken this step to be baptized. You have personally committed to Jesus but you have never publicly proclaimed and encouraged those around you with your story. Our next baptism is Saturday February 25th at 6 PM in Robbinsville. email doug@217church.com to sign up. #BIGWINS
3 – Join A Small Group – Hundreds of people have grown strong through our small groups! #BIGWINS happen every week as people come together to pray, encourage, study the word, and serve. I have been personally impacted as over 50 people from small groups came to my home two years ago and did 20+ different projects to prepare my home to welcome in our 3 adopted children from Uganda! We are seeing dynamic ministry and people in our community are being helped with so many basic needs. Our small groups are the simple building block of our church that bring people in, build people up, and send people out. email matt@217church.com to connect with a group.
4 – Use Your Gifts and Abilities – We have had over 18,000 Serving moments during Sunday worship services alone in the past seven years! Since the beginning of 217church we have averaged over 40 people serving a week! Are you one? That’s a lot of #BIGWINS! Every week people serve as greeters, ushers, parkers, camera operators, media support team, audio visual support team, worship team, and dynamic 217kids leaders. This is just on Sundays alone! Your church, schools, youth ministry and neighborhoods are waiting for you to create some #BIGWINS and serve!
5 – Make A Sacrificial Gift – In the past seven years we have had $4.7 Million in #BIGWINS given towards the vision! We have used those resources to build a strong church that is rebuilding lives, and now we have just put a down payment on a 10 acre piece of land to build a permanent facility. I believe the best is yet to come and we have around $500,000 to go in order to pay off this land. Over the next two years we anticipate completing the site plan and beginning the building process. You can make a secure sacrificial gift online here.
6 – Pray and Be Prayed For – All of the above is made possible through prayer. Answered prayers have accounted for all of the #BIGWINS for our church! Some of you have deep prayer needs. before we started 217church, we prayed long and hard for the foundation to be strong through prayer. I want to encourage you to make your requests known to the church family and allow others to come around and pray for you. No matter what the need; physical, financial, relational, or emotional, God is in the business of answering our prayers and drawing us together through it.
7 – Let’s Come Together and Worship – Sunday is going to represent another #BIGWIN for our church. We would love for you to experience our historic 7 years celebration! We will sign the land contract, here from some special guests and cast vision for our future #DOUBLEBLESSING!
I would love to hear of your stories of #BIGWINS through 217church below! Or respond on Facebook Here
Can’t wait!
Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a contemporary church in Mercer County NJ. 217church meets Sundays at 10:30am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ. Visit www.217church.com for more information. or watch a weekend message here.