Next Generation Vision 2013

217church now launches into a season that will cause us to never be the same!  Over the past few months we have been in conversation and prayer with Urban Promise Trenton, which rebuilds lives of the children of the city.  We have now officially partnered to reach the city of Trenton together.   Imagine children and youth of the city transformed by the Gospel of Jesus! This Sunday is our opportunity to make a HUGE difference in the lives of the next generation. How can you be a part of the Next Generation Vision 2013?

“…that you may tell the next generation that this is God.” Psalm 48:13


We all bear the responsibility for the generation that comes after us and we must be compelled to ensure kids have a chance to hear the Gospel. Our heart is for children and youth to be transformed by its power both across the street and around the world

Four Parts of the Next Generation Vision 2013…               Total Goal:  $100,000

Part #1 Urban Promise Trenton – Every day through after school programs, Urban Promise reaches into the heart of Trenton and trains and equips young people to discover God’s will and plan for their life.  By pouring love and care into kids and youth, Urban Promise is an organization on the front lines of equipping the Next Generation. WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal: $25,000

Part #2  217youth & 217kids Ministries – Every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday we reach over 125 youth and kids as they hear of the love of Jesus.  Our 217youth center provides an essential place for our youth to gather and sense his call. This summer over 100 kids went to our 217kids camp! We want to fund every ministry initiative through this offering.   WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal: $35,000

Part #3  The 217rebuild Initiative – This is a brand new ministry targeted towards families who need help providing basic needs.  No child should go hungry and no parent should have to worry where their next meal is coming from.  In providing food, clothing and basic needs, we will set the example for “Caring for One Another Deeply.”  WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal $20,000

Part #4 217global – We have partnered with Rick & Tami Romano of the Dominican Republic in providing love, health and education to the children of the D.R.  We are anticipating incredible things through the planting of churches and sharing the Gospel with kids and youth of the Dominican.  We will be making a trip in March of 2013!  WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal $20,000

These four vital pieces of our ministry are already seeing amazing fruit and are poised to transform lives over this next year.  What will you sacrifice and give in order that “we may tell the next generation” about The Gospel of Jesus!  This weekend will blow you away as we hear the story of Carl Clark, the founder of Urban Promise Trenton!


See you there Sunday at 10am & 11:30am!

Just Do It!

Growing up playing sports, I played my way through many pairs of shoes.  Countless layups, jump shots, drills, laps around the track and trail runs led me to a desire for excellence on the playing field and around the track.  There was one shoe company that coined a slogan that most of us remember, ‘Just do it’. When I say, ‘Just Do It’ most of us immediately know the brand, the shoes it represents and the mega company that emerged.  I love this slogan.  When God tells you to do something you have to go and DO IT!

“Do not merely listen to the word, and deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

Last Sunday we revealed 217church will be opening a 2nd worship site for 217church on Sunday mornings.  This means in October of 2013, our Sunday morning worship environment will be as one church, in two locations, three worship services.  We know many of you are asking, so what do I do now?  I want to be a part, but how? We will be sending a team of 50-100 people from our Hamilton Campus to go and start this work, but I wanted to share a few simple ways you can participate in this vision NOW.

Five Things You Can Do NOW…

#1 Pray – Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.  Our motivation in starting this new campus in East Windsor is to help people meet and follow Jesus. My family used to live in East Windsor and it is time for us to extend the vision of “Serving Relentlessly” to these neighborhoods.

  • Pray for the Community-  We will be doing prayer walks in the near future, but immediately you can begin to pray for the people who will be a part and don’t even know it yet.  Prayer is the true pioneering work of the Holy Spirit.  Make this a part of your daily conversation with God.
  • Pray for Your Part-  What will you do? Will you go and be the first response team on the ground in this new work?
  • Pray for finances – We believe God will provide everything we need for this work, for some of us, this new campus is a perfect time to get in the game with our giving.  You can start right now and give here.
  • Pray for leaders – We will need at least one pastor and a small support staff.

#2  Serve Now – We will be multiplying every team we have at the Hamilton Campus to the new campus.  We are building teams strong here so we can have a healthy multiplication there.  Contact to serve once a month.  Here are the current weekend teams you can connect with:

  • Set Up & Tear Down Team-  Theater arrival time 7:45 AM or 12:30 PM.  This is the most “hands on” of all the teams as we put up outdoor and indoor signs, stuff bibles, set up the platform, sound equipment and create a welcoming environment.
  • Hospitality Team-  Theater arrival time 8:15 AM.  These are the people that create a welcoming environment.  From helping people find a parking spot to greeting and assisting to make sure people are seated comfortably, our hospitality team smiles and welcomes people to the family.  They are the front door to the church!
  • 217kids & Tots TeamTheater arrival time 8:15 AM. We don’t do childcare!  We set the stage for children to feel accepted, loved and have fun while they learn about Jesus and His love for them.  These co-workers are driving character anchors deep in the hearts of our children.
  • Worship & Media Team Theater arrival time 7:45 AM.  This is the team that facilitates the service.  From serving on the worship team to running a camera, sound boards, and setting up lights, this team makes the service happen!  We just launched a new high quality video/audio available on our web and podcast because of the selfless serving of the media team.

#3  Spread the Word – A year will pass by faster than you know it and we believe the hard work of prayer, organizing and communicating now will lead to an incredible launch of our first ever multiplication.

#4  Help Start a Small Group – We have over 20 groups meeting in the Central Jersey area and we want to have even more groups in East Windsor.  If you live there, consider using your home / apartment to Host a small group.  Contact to make this happen.

#5 Keep your Eye on the Vision – Can you see it?  We can already see week one of our East Windsor ministry!

  • People getting Restored in their relationship with Jesus, getting baptized and “Pursuing God Passionately.” We see a change in the eternal destiny of people in our community.
  • People actively Rebuilding the church one life at a time through “Caring for One Another Deeply.” We see our church giving purpose and meaning through belonging to a mission bigger than any of us can even fathom.
  • The church Renewing the community through Serving Relentlessly.” We see those who feel abandoned, alone and helpless, gaining dignity, experiencing love, and being empowered through having their basic needs met.

Do you see it?







The Big Reveal!

This Sunday we reveal the location of our first ever additional weekend worship site of 217church.  We will soon be one church in two locations! This Sunday we will reveal the date, location and what we need to launch a new worship site.  Don’t miss THE BIG REVEAL Sunday at AMC 24 10 & 11:30 AM!

Our hand written notes to 21 1st time guests families from launch Sunday

As I walked in the theater last Sunday and felt the anticipation of one of our largest gatherings ever, I was awestruck by the energy in the room!  This was happening.  We were launching and the word MULTIPLY was on our lips.  Three years ago when we started this journey we had no idea really what was going to happen, but God is clearly moving through you. What an incredible weekend!  I feel bad if you missed as it was by far one of my favorite weekends together with our 217church family.

These facts are simply a snap shot of what is going on through you and the ministry of 217church!

Some Quick Facts From Sunday:

-2 people chose to follow Jesus for the 1st time this weekend
-21 First time guest families / (New Record)
-456 people gathered (Largest Regular Weekend Ever)
-130+ people served in some capacity and we had a full breakfast together at 9 am! (New Record)
-50+ more people joined a small group
-73 total Kids! (Largest 217kids Gathering Ever)
-100 people joined for lunch following 2nd service at the youth center

What’s Next?

The staff and leadership team is here to serve you and equip you for your ministry.  Let’s make the most of this fall season. Here is a quick run down of the schedule and what you can expect every weekend.

September 30  – We reveal the location of the next worship site for 217church
Plus:  Meet 217church 1:00 pm at youth center

October 7 – We reveal our first overseas mission partner location and officially launch 217global!
Plus: 217 Blueprint class 1:00 pm at youth center

October 14 – Baptism Weekend!  This is what it’s all about! Sign up to be baptized and e-mail Kevin here:

There is no doubt about it, God’s plan for the church is to grow in every capacity.  God has been blessing every area of 217church with growth and improved health over these past two years.  But even though we are growing, this should never stop us asking the question…What if?  Our willingness to ask this question fights off complacency and becoming comfortable.  Let’s believe God for HUGE things this season and HOLD NOTHING BACK!





Coming Soon To Theater 14

We are ready for the September 23rd Launch!  Are you ready?  Theater 14 will be packed with people, starting with Breakfast for everyone at 9 am!  Then we will hear the vision of our church at two services (10 & 11:30am) and hear the three huge prayers for this next season. You can watch the vision video here.  Finally, at 1 PM, join us at the youth center for an open house and lunch with the church family.

The next five weeks we are going to be an absolute blast discovering how God is going to use us to impact this community!  Here are the weekend topics:

Let’s Do This!

Fall Topics:
September 16 – Serving People Joyfully
September 23 – The 217church Vision (Full Breakfast at 9 am)        
September 30 – Life Without Limits
October 7 – Understanding Your Calling
October 14 – Sharing Your Mission

How Can I Be A Part?

#1 Join A Team – What if EVERY ONE of us who called 217church our home joined a weekend team?  Our weekend teams are: media, kids, hospitality and set-up tear down.  If each of us served once a month on a weekend, how would we be different?  It all kicks off this weekend as we prepare for our Launch through understanding what it means to serve joyfully.  If the church is going to work like it was meant to, it will take EVERY ONE OF US of working together to own the vision.

  • Set Up & Tear Down Team-  Theater arrival time 7:45 AM or 12:30 PM.  This is the most “hands on” of all the teams as we put up outdoor and indoor signs, stuff bibles, set up the platform, sound equipment and create a welcoming environment.
  • Hospitality Team-  Theater arrival time 8:15 AM.  These are the people that create a welcoming environment.  From helping people find a parking spot to greeting and assisting to make sure people are seated comfortably, our hospitality team smiles and welcomes people to the family.  They are the front door to the church!
  • 217kids & Tots TeamTheater arrival time 8:15 AM. We don’t do childcare!  We set the stage for children to feel accepted, loved and have fun while they learn about Jesus and His love for them.  These co-workers are driving character anchors deep in the hearts of our children.
  • Worship & Media Team Theater arrival time 7:45 AM.  This is the team that facilitates the service.  From serving on the worship team to running a camera, sound boards, and setting up lights, this team makes the service happen!  We just launched a new high quality video/audio available on our web and podcast because of the selfless serving of the media team

#2  Join A Small Group –  A small group is a group of 5-15 people who gather in homes to accomplish the vision of the church, which is to help people meet and follow Jesus.  Our groups have 5 essential purposes.  We call it SLICE: Serve, Learn, Invite, Care, Eat!  If you want to really be a part of what God is doing, you have to be a part of what we call “Gospel Centered Community”.

Are you in?  E-mail

#3  Invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers via facebook.  I know you have friends and facebook is a way to invite some people along.  Use this link and then invite people:


Hold On Tight!  This is going to be a fun ride!


Get Some MOMENTUM This Fall

I just dropped Titus off for his first day of fourth grade.  No crying this time but what a fun moment Compared to his first day of kindergarten, he was more confident, made his lunch and set out his clothes the night before and woke up plenty early enough to enjoy a leisurely breakfast.  Titus was ready for the MOMENTUM of 4th grade.  Calm and cool he strolled up to the school as scores of other parents hugged and kissed their children, some looked panicked.  I asked, “Do you want me to get out of the car?”  he said, “nah, I’m good” I slapped him a high five and told him to give it 100% today and go for it!  In order for him to get the maximum results out of 4th grade he is going to have to HOLD NOTHING BACK!   

Titus, Confident & Ready for 4th Grade
“And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.   Acts 9:31

If we expect God to multiply the impact of our church, we need to hold nothing back and be BOLD in two key areas: our invitations and our investments! Here are 5 easy ways you can help the 217church family get MOMENTUM for the fall launch September 23!


#5  Take a 217church yard sign this weekend and plant it in your yard for the next three weeks.  It can be a great conversation starter with your neighbors and you can invite them.  Most people come to 217church because you invite them!

#4  Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers via facebook.  I know you have friends and facebook is a way to invite some people along.  Use this link and then invite people:

#3 Take the Momentum ticket invites we place in your bible every week and personally invite people.  I carry a few in my bag all the time.  The tickets have the meeting place, the time, and the topic by date.  We are constantly trying to put tools in your hand that make it easier for you to invite people to our weekend gathering.  By the way, if you invite someone to church on Sunday, sit with them and then share a meal after the service.

Our graphic design team created this for you!


#2 Get in a small group and get committed.  It’s all about the relationships and if you want to grow spiritually you have to submit to others.  What does a group do?  The S.L.I.C.E. model is really easy to explain.  We serve, learn, invite, care and eat together!  Kelly can help you find a group by e-mailing

#1  Plan to Serve on a team September 23rd and beyond!  We want 100+ people to serve on our launch Sunday! Be there by 7:45 and come and witness the church building relationships as we prepare to worship together. We need all hands on deck in the following four areas:

  • Set Up & Tear Down Team-  Theater arrival time 7:45 AM or 12:30 PM.  This is the most “hands on” of all the teams as we put up outdoor and indoor signs, stuff bibles, set up the platform, sound equipment and create a welcoming environment.
  • Hospitality Team-  Theater arrival time 8:15 AM.  These are the people that create a welcoming environment.  From helping people find a parking spot to greeting and assisting to make sure people are seated comfortably, our hospitality team smiles and welcomes people to the family.  They are the front door to the church!
  • 217kids & Tots TeamTheater arrival time 8:15 AM. We don’t do childcare!  We set the stage for children to feel accepted, loved and have fun while they learn about Jesus and His love for them.  These co-workers are driving character anchors deep in the hearts of our children.
  • Worship & Media Team Theater arrival time 7:45 AM.  This is the team that facilitates the service.  From serving on the worship team to running a camera, sound boards, and setting up lights, this team makes the service happen!  We just launched a new high quality video/audio available on our web and podcast because of the selfless serving of the media team.

After we complete the set up September 23rd, at 9 am we will enjoy a full breakfast together and celebrate another milestone in the life of our church.  Our vision Sunday is going to rock your socks with THREE HUGE PRAYERS we are asking God to answer.  The more people who jump on board, the more MOMENTUM we will have!

This Sunday, September 9th is the building of the MOMENTUM as we have a “Restore Service” with communion, prayer and healing as we pray for people boldly together!  The only way to fully explain a restore service is to experience it together.

Hold Nothing Back Church!


Making This New Season Count

I don’t know what drives you, but I am often driven by fresh starts and new seasons.  I remember my first day of middle school like it was yesterday.  Mr. Ayers was my homeroom teacher and it was a whole new adventure for me.  I loved having my own schedule, bag, books and a tremendous rush of independence as I walked throughout the halls of my middle school.  It was a whole new world of possibilities, uncertainty and a lot of excitement and fear.

A new season means steps of faith
“Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you”  Joshua 1:3
    When God calls you to do something BIG he promises to walk with you.

    This new season in my life is going to be incredible.  There has been a sense of anticipation flowing through me these past weeks.  I recently engaged a new coach, have been reading through the book of Joshua in the bible, and am in a time of fasting and praying learning to hear God’s voice with clarity.  If there is one thing I DO NOT want to do, it is lead myself, my family or our church family down the wrong path.  The vision is set, the last details are being worked through and the expectancy for this next season is OFF THE CHARTS!   Our 217church fall launch is September 23rd and we are ready to MAKE THIS SEASON COUNT.  But what about you?  Are you ready to make the fall count?  Here are four keys to making this new season count:

  • Get Clarity About Your Vision – One of the things that is helping me the most in planning for the fall and beyond is looking for themes of what God is saying to me.  God is speaking to me personally is through two little words: Quality Time.  My vision through this season is to engage fully investing quality time through everything I do.  Every morning I wake up, look at my schedule and choose to engage at a high level with each person, relationship and task. I want to make every day count.

Question:  Do you have a portable, memorable and motivational vision for this season of your life?

  • Gather Your Resources – SO now that you have a vision, do you have everything you need?  Namely, an execution plan, the right people and the discipline to make it happen?  Maybe your resource is support from a key influencer, a budget in place or a study tool you know you need.  Essentially, what is the plan for your daily and weekly rhythm?  You will need encouragement, accountability and some reflection times along the way to ensure you are making the season count.

Question:  Is there a tool you can identify you need that you don’t have yet?

  • Guard Against Burnout – This is perhaps my biggest failure over the years.  My problem is I think I can accomplish more than I actually can in a given season.  If you run at too many priorities you are sure to fry yourself and sabotage what could have been an incredibly productive season! The key to productivity and progress is knowing when enough is enough.  This is a daily and weekly practice. Make it count, know your limits.

Question:  Will you practice a weekly sabbath and have planned time off for this next season?

  • Go All In – It is time!  Feeling overwhelmed?  Never have there been a time and season like this one.  You are here, ready, prepared determined and no matter how you got here, no one can be you in this season!  You have incredible gifts, abilities and perspective that God has given uniquely to you and it’s time for you to go ALL IN!  You can’t hesitate and there is no time for second guessing.  Your family needs you, your friends need you and you need Jesus to walk through this season with you.  Are you really all in for the next season?  Or are you going through the motions faking it?

Question:  Is there anything preventing you from going ALL IN through this next season?

When God spoke to Joshua as he assumed leadership of His people, He gave him a promise that was bold and incredible:  “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you.”  WOW!  Meditate on that for a while…

What if God did that for you?

What if God did that for your family?

What if God did that for our church? 

September 23rd launches our Fall Season at 217church and we intend to Make it Count!  You can let us know you are coming on the 23rd by clicking here and signing up on Facebook.  It will be an empowering season of activating our faith and celebrating the vision we are embarking on together.

See you at the theater!

Fall Topics:
September 23 – The 217church Vision
September 30 – Life Without Limits
October 7 – Understanding Your Calling
October 14 – Sharing Your Mission


What’s Next?

Anticipation is a fun thing and can also be scary.  It keeps me on my toes asking the question, what’s next?  It is a dangerous question to ask because it makes me question the status quo and gets me out of my comfort zone.  I am always looking forward to what God would do in my own own heart, in my family and in our church and as we go in to the fall I want us to get this next step right.  For this reason I am going on a FAST and I would love for you to join me.  Fasting is when we deprive ourselves of something meaningful, habitual and even necessary for life to hear the voice of God.


“As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days,
and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.”  Nehemiah 1:4


How should we fast together?

  • A Time for Seeking the Face of God – I want nothing more than to be in step with what God wants for us together.  I feel like the season we are in is one of preparation for what God is about to do and this fasting is a time for Jesus to speak to us.  On September 23 we will be breaking our fast and launching into Acts 9, our Momentum series, and announcing the biggest faith step we have ever taken.  I feel like we need a safe passage through this next season of our church. Ezra 8:21 Read what Ezra did…
  • A Time for Covenant Together – I want this fast to be something meaningful to you.  I am going to be fasting meat much like Daniel did in Daniel 1.  This isn’t a time for legalism but of realizing God’s great love for us and our dependance on him.  When Jesus was fasting he said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.   This is our opportunity to reinforce our love for  HIS church and HIS plan with HIS good direction intended.
  •  A Time for Studying – That doesn’t sound very sexy does it?  Studying?  What?  Yes.  I would invite you with me to study through the book of Joshua.  I finally decided to do this fast when I read Joshua 1:3, “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.”  I wouldn’t have gotten to that nugget if I wouldn’t have read the word that day!  What if that verse was our reality?  I will be reading one chapter a day and posting some of my thoughts here on my blog.  (Tomorrow I will post my thoughts on Joshua 1)

This is a really big deal for us together.  This will define the future direction of the church!  I want nothing more than to be in step with the Holy Spirit and his heart for this community. I love you guys and can’t wait to watch it unfold.

What’s Next?  I can’t be 100% sure but I am clear that the Holy Spirit will guide us.

Vision and Teamwork

ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN baptisms down, nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-five to go!  Yes, you heard it straight from me.  Our BIG MONSTER VISION is to reach 10,000 people for Jesus and to help them become fully devoted to Jesus! I believe it can happen and I believe it will happen.  This is the role of vision casters.  BELIEVE!  Last Sunday we baptized twenty-five more people, more than we ever have in one day and it’s just getting started.

217church’s 100th baptism

After the first leadership vision meeting of 217church in August of 2009, progress began to happen very quickly.  We prayed, planned and personally invited people to be on the team.  We set out on a vision to “create environments where people could meet and follow Jesus.” We set out on a mission to Restore people to Jesus by pursuing God passionately, Rebuild the church through caring for one another deeply, and Renew the community through serving relentlessly.   We realized almost instantly that everything depended on God and we needed Him to supply us with a strong team that works together.  Our team lives with the reality of this verse in mind.

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners…” (Mark 2:17 ESV)

If God is going to use us to Extend this ministry farther and faster than we could ever imagine we MUST have an incredibly strong team!  If we are going to reach those who are ‘sick’, our team needs to grow even more healthy.  What are some qualities of strong team members?

  • Chemistry – On our team, certain stuff just doesn’t fly. Let’s face it, we don’t all fit every team.  We have a very diverse team but we have to all be pulling in the same direction.  We are always looking for people to lead small groups, excel in the gifts of hospitality, attention to detail and be exceptional in their work ethic.  We already have a great team, but maybe it’s time for you to step up and maximize your gift.
  • Hunger – We are looking for people who are not content with the status quo but want something more excellent.  People who are desperate for a change will always outperform the complacent and mediocre.  You can’t replace hunger and passion and you can’t make someone want to excel.  We are looking for people who don’t make excuses because it is a “volunteer role” but know there is a higher standard.
  • Initiative – When Jesus called Matthew in Mark 2, he saw something in a passionate tax collector.  I believe some of our best future leaders have yet to come to know Jesus!  They are pursuing other things and they haven’t come to Jesus yet.  They haven’t realized their ultimate calling in the world…but they are about to!  Some incredible initiators are about to experience transformation.
  • Character – This means when no one is watching, we are the same person as when a spotlight is shining on us. We are looking for people who are devouring God’s word not out of obligation or legalism, but out of a passion to find out what Jesus says about this life and how we should live it.  When Jesus says it, we do it.  Going in to this commitment we realize that it won’t be easy and the world won’t accept us.  But it’s not about pleasing people, it’s about pleasing Jesus.

I love 217church and I love the passion you continue to exhibit!  This week is vision week and we will let it all hang out!  Let’s celebrate and believe big for the future because we need Jesus and our community desperately needs Jesus.  After all if we can accomplish the vision on our own, it isn’t a God given vision.

Expectation is in the air,


Just Follow – The Direction for 217church

I am SO PUMPED about the next season at 217church! Starting Easter Sunday we enter into a brand new series called “Live Differently.”  This series will address the heart transformations that happen when we follow Jesus, particularly in the area of spiritual, financial, physical and family health.  Our #1 energy going forward will be to architect a church where discipleship and multiplication flow at the speed of the Holy Spirit.  I believe a church plant happens in three Phases:  As a matter of fact I think every church needs to cycle through these phases every so often recognizing that churches have seasons.

#1 Establish – Getting everything up and running, getting all of our vision, systems, values cemented so we can have a strong future.  We have had an INCREDIBLE Launching pad for this church.  WE ARE ESTABLISHED.

#2 Empower – People flourishing and 217groups owning the responsibility to make the vision of the church happen through serving, learning, inviting, caring (praying) and eating together.  Every group cell has the power and the DNA of the church built in.  Experience a 217group and you have experienced the potency of 217church!  Every group has the relationship base to become a disciple making group.  I believe we are in the dog days of the Empowerment stage. I believe we will make a major transition from Easter 2012 to the Fall into the following stage:

#3 Extend – Multiplying Disciples, which multiply groups in different neighborhoods and then eventually send missionaries abroad. We will launch various discipling models for people in different circumstances but they will have one marked uniqueness.  They will be 1-1 transformational relationships.


Here is what this means for us:

A Philosophy I hold close is I believe discipleship best happens 1-1, life on life.  I am amazed at these two simple words of Jesus… “Follow Me” (Mark 1:13) I have had a 1-1 coaching/discipling relationship ongoing for almost 10 years now.

The vision statement for 217church is to “Create Environments where people can meet and FOLLOW Jesus.”  Meeting someone is one thing, following someone is a totally different thing. Following Jesus is hard work and I need help.  If we pattern our lives after Jesus eventually we will have to battle the heart issues of pride, possessions and purity. Paul encourages in 2 Timothy 1:13, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” 

Our guiding word will be COACHING…why coaching?  I believe it best describes what a disciple maker does! Coaching is a discipline within disciple making that we will focus on.


Here are our guiding principles:

#1 We will coach in order to learn to coach –  The second part of Mark 1:13 is often forgotten when talking about disciple making environments… “and I will make you become fishers of men.”  You are discipled in order to disciple. What God entrusts to you through relationships, he EXPECTS you to impart to othersJesus fully expected the disciples to do something with their experiences with Jesus.  They were transformed by Jesus and were responsible to lead and disciple others.

#2 We will leverage 217groups to do life on life coaching – By the fall every leadership team member and every small group leader will have a coach.  This is someone who will disciple them.  This represents about 15% of our congregation.

#3 We will Develop a coaching culture that will trump everything else – This is how we will measure growth in our church.  Everything in our church will point to coaching relationships.  This multiplication will lead us into the Extend phase:  2 Timothy 2:2 says and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”   That’s FOUR GENERATIONS of discipleship in 1 VERSE! Did you see that?

#4 We will use various tools/methods – There is no one size fits all, but we have our hands on some great proven tools and some we developed on our own that speak to the culture of Central New Jersey and our church.

This will not be easy.  This will be messy. This will be hard work.  This will be Holy Spirit driven.  This will be a movement. We will get attacked.  We will persevere.  We will be transformed. This will be very expensive…

“Salvation is free but discipleship will cost you everything.”  Your leaders are preparing…Who is in?



Models Wanted – Momentum Day 22

Scripture:  Acts 22

Key Verse: Acts 22:22-23

“‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Rise, and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all that is appointed for you to do.’

I like pictures.  Tell me what you want and I will have more questions, but show me a picture and I will surely understand.  I recently sat down in the barber chair and the young new stylist looked at me and said, “what are we doing to today?”  I said, “I’m not sure, what do you think?  She proceeded to show me a glut of pictures of what I might look like if I were in a GQ magazine.  I looked at a picture of the well sculpted hair and said, “that one, but I’m going to keep my shirt on.”

In the above passage the apostle Paul was fighting for his life and at the same time contending for the Gospel of Jesus.  He was uniquely a Jew and a Roman citizen.  His whole life screamed that transformation was possible.  He paints a picture through telling his story of how he met Jesus.  The underlying krux of this whole persecution of Paul is that he is just as ordinary as everyone else, but he happens to know what he wants to look like…Jesus. Paul does what Jesus says despite being a cheat, a murderer and a liar.  On a road to Damascus he saw a clear picture of Jesus and said, “that is the picture right there.”

Here is the problem: Okay, you aren’t going to find Jesus walking the earth.  He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, scripture, prayer and all creation. However, you will find people to help you figure out the next steps in your life who also bear the identity of Jesus.  This is where modeling comes in.

How do I find a good model?

#1 Recognize you need more than one –  It is nearly impossible to find someone who is accomplished at everything.  They just don’t exist.  You need multiple models for different situations.  People to help you who specialize in certain areas.  Our media driven paparazzi culture has turned models into idols.  if you make your model an idol, you will surely be disappointed.

#2 Define what you want help with – If someone sits down with me and doesn’t know what they want, I can’t really help them over the long haul. Know what you want help with and then write down some specific preferred outcomes you have.

#3 Look at lots of pictures – You have to watch people.  I didn’t say envy or make an icon of someone, but be a diligent observer.  If it is in the area of family that you want a model, look for someone you can model your family after.  If it is starting a business, time management, spiritual discovery, or physical health, look for lots of different types of models.  Take every step to ensure they are authentic.  In essence, “Don’t take nutritional advice from an obese man.”

#4 Realize you are a model – This is key because you won’t fully own responsibility for yourself until you realize you are responsible to others.  Almost everyone is influencing someone.  I don’t agree to help someone unless they agree they will model it intentionally for someone else.  I want to plant seeds, not hand out fruit.  There is a difference.
Question: Who do you need to model your life after? write down some people you need to learn from in different areas…

Here are four areas to start with…

1. Spiritual health

2. Family health

3. Financial health

4. Physical health

One more thing...when you know what you want to look like, something has to give, people will be ticked at you.  The people might – just – start – a – riot…