Sacrificing For The Next Generation

In High School I ran relay races in track, and I remember one specific race being behind a few meters.  As we came to the baton hand off for the final leg of the race, something was about to happen. The team directly in front of me dropped the baton.  As I grabbed the baton from my teammate I streaked past and ran to a victory!  As 217church we are responsible to and for each other.  Countless times in scripture we see Jesus treats his disciples as family.  Paul refers to us as the family as we are “baptized into the body of Christ” Whatever we do, we must do with the mentality that we are a family.  Everything these men did was to equip those who came after them to carry on strong in the faith.  A family makes sure no matter what, the children are well fed, taken care of, built up strong, and empowered to run their race with effectiveness.  We MUST help them carry on what we started.  If the vision dies with us we fail.


The only way for us to finish strong is to hand the baton off to the Next Generation…

  baton 11-7


“…that you may tell the NEXT GENERATION that this is God!”  Psalm 48:13-14

Last year through the next generation offering we fully funded our youth and kids ministries. I am thrilled to report they are 150+ students STRONG!  In addition, we gave away over $50,000 to fund our local and global mission partnerships!  Now it’s time to step up and GIVE SACRIFICIALLY to make sure the next season of our church is healthy and strong.


4 Reasons To Give To The Next Generation 2015 Offering…


#1 Youth & Kids Ministry – $55,000 Goal – The stories are piling up and the lives are being transformed.  Over the last two months we had our largest youth and kids gatherings ever!  Now we want to take it to the next level.  This amount will fully fund every initiative including our partnership with Urban Promise which helps keep kids off the streets and in an after school program in Trenton.


#2 New Open Hope Orphan Care Ministry $15,000 Goal – This year we are launching a new initiative that will bring hope and care through advocacy for adoptive and foster families.  We are doing our part for orphans in our world! You can sign up this weekend to sponsor a child through Lifesong at the Open Home table.


#3 217rebuild Initiative – $15,000 Goal – From the beginning 217church has been all about helping families make ends meet through meeting practical needs.  We have always been a church known for helping single moms, their children and those in our community who are in critical circumstances.


#4 217global Partnership – $15,000 Goal – Our partnership with the Dominican Republic church is healthy and thriving. We have taken two trips and now are helping plant a church in 2015 through the ministry of Rick & Tammie Romano.  Their ministry is thriving as they facilitated over 700 people on short term trips.  We want to ensure a strong church as we have over 40 sister churches in the Dominican.


Everyone can give something and together we can make a difference.  No gift is too small and every gift matters!  I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we have a special gift for you.


You can GIVE NOW to help reach the $100,000 goal



NG 2015

November 9 – Sacrifice (Special Guests – Rick & Tammie Romano from the Dominican Republic)

November 16- Vision


We are the church that meets at two theaters!  Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 9:30 & 11am and Starplex Cinemas in East Windsor, NJ at 10:15.  Our new East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information.

How To INVEST In The Next Generation

I want my children to succeed.  I want them to find the joy of finding a relationship with Jesus, serving Him with all their hearts.  Some of my best memories are the ways my own parents, brothers, mentors, pastors and leaders have poured into me.  The next generation has been given to us as a blessing and a stewardship.  We need to take their failure and success as our own.  We are the sum total of what people pour into us and they will be what we pour into them.  So how should we be blessing and pouring into the Next Generation?  Remember, your life will be measured by how much of it is given away.

My wife Summer with her Dad, sometime in 1976…


“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it…” Proverbs 22:6

My family is in the process of saying goodbye to my wife’s father Gary who is near the end of his life here on earth.  He has battled cancer for almost 10 years. He isn’t perfect, (obviously because he is a Broncos fan) but he has been a remarkable father, friend and example to countless people.  He has character.  As I watched my kids Facetime with him last night over 3,000 miles of internet waves, I was reminded of our responsibility to the next generation to bless them and how much Gary has poured into and sacrificed for us.

4 Ways To Bless The Next Generation…

#1 Set the Example –  You know that more of life is caught rather than taught.  Your living is your teaching.  Kids will just do what you do, but interestingly enough adults are the same way.  People are looking for others to model their lives after.  Regarding morality, purity, possessions, family, and relationships people are looking for the highest standards of LOVE they can find.  More than likely, someone is watching you, like a hawk. Faithful to God, the husband of one wife for 40+ years…Gary set the example for us. 

#2 Believe In Them   If the only dream and vision you believe in is your own, your life will come back empty and void of purpose.  I believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to live as a Christ follower and not believe in the dreams of others.  The very nature of the Gospel is laying down your life for someone else.  I don’t need 10 more critics regarding my dreams, I need just one catalyst relationship that will propel me forward.  A critical spirit towards those we have influence over will destroy them slowly over time.  I can sense that Gary is proud of Summer and I.  He believes in our dream.

#3 Speak A Blessing WORDS ARE POWERFUL, especially from those who are blood.  My father in law is a man of few words.  He doesn’t talk often, but when He does it is meaningful.  I have made a habit of this for my children.  Recently I was asked how I verbally bless my children. Here is an example:  I say this almost everyday to Lydia:  “Remember you are a daughter of God, forgiven! Today may you have a strong body, a sharp mind and a bold spirit.” Proverbs 31:25,26,30.  Start using your tongue to unleash confidence and stop starting fires.  Words must be chosen carefully.

#4 Teach Them to Learn – One of the most important qualities I look for when hiring people is this, are you teachable?  Maybe you have never thought of this, but we must teach the next generation to maintain a posture of learning and humility.  Once someone knows it all and realizes they don’t is when the real learning can begin. In order to learn you must listen.  He taught us to Listen.

When you are gone from this earth in a few short years, your mark will be what you left for others.  Take without forgetting and give without remembering.  The next generation is depending on us.  Thanks Dad for adopting me into your family and for trusting me with your daughter and believing in our dreams.


This Sunday at 217church we continue our #NextGeneration Series:   “Clarity – What Matters Most” 1 Timothy 4:11-16

NG 2015

November 2 – Clarity (Special Guest – Carl Clark from Urban Promise Trenton)

November 9 – Sacrifice

November 16- Vision

We are the church that meets at two theaters!  Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 9:30 & 11am and Starplex Cinemas in East Windsor, NJ at 10:15.  Our new East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information.

It’s The Little Things That Count

So many times we have something BIG we are working on: A wedding, a job application, getting out of debt, a project at work. But if you want the BIG STUFF to happen, you have to focus on the little things.


This week we are finishing building a church on our Dominican trip. I am loving watching it all come together.

4 Little Details that Matter

#1 Teamwork – Do your part to make everyone else better.

#2 Humility – It’s not about you today, submit to the authority God has over you.

#3 Diligence – Always, Always work hard.

#4 Unity – The opportunity to do something bigger than yourself requires it.

This verse sums it up for me:

“Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them…he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been WELL BUILT. (‭Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭47-48‬ ESV)

You Won’t Believe What I Just Saw!

I was absolutely in awe watching everything that happened over this Thanksgiving season through 217church.  And it even happened yesterday. I was surprised, excited, but most of all proud of a young church that is learning to get out there and Live Differently through serving relentlessly.  Just yesterday we put this Facebook post on our page:  “If anyone in the 217church family needs food for Thanksgiving, please send us a message by noon today.”   Then in just one hour, this happened…

“A young single mom with three children came in to pick up one of the baskets.  She was so happy to receive a basket, they were thrilled that it would cover not only their Thanksgiving meal, but several more meals thereafter.  We didn’t even know them, but they will be eating because of the gifts you provided!”

surprised 11-26

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”  Matthew 10:42

7 Things I Saw On Sunday…

1. Compassion  –  We did 2 simultaneous events in two communities!  I wish you could have seen the look on the face of a young boy at McKnight School in East Windsor when we placed a coat on him.  He showed up to the bitter cold event in a sweat shirt and didn’t even own a coat.  We were able to give him a coat and share the love of Jesus.  We told people there is a church in the community launching on January 12 that is all about helping them “rebuild their lives.”  Couldn’t believe it!

2. Cooperation  –  We delivered well over 200 baskets full of food to families with names!  We worked with Johnson & Johnson (yes, they are that BIG drug company 🙂 ), United Way and Bromley Community Center in Hamilton.  We ensured every family, every name on the list received a $25 gift card for a turkey, as a well as a full basket of food.  You can still Give A $25 gift through our Next Generation Fund Here.  In one day alone, you helped feed over 1,000 peopleCouldn’t believe it!

3. Celebration –  When 400 people showed up to the theater and worshiped together celebrating God’s provision for us, It blew me away.  It was so cold on Sunday our 217truck wouldn’t start, but still over 50 people showed up early at the theater to set up two inspiring worship services at the AMC 24.  Our very own Naml Lewis preached about living in the favor of God.  It was Incredible!  Couldn’t believe it!

4. DiligenceDid I forget to mention it was freezing cold Sunday?  But yet over 100 of the 217church family came out to pass out food in the freezing cold!  I love it.  Couldn’t believe it!

5. Empowerment – Our youth totally planned the Hamilton event and our East Windsor Launch team established a presence in the Twin Rivers community.  Couldn’t believe it!

girls serving

 Our youth showed up BIG and orchestrated the event!

6. Action – When we dreamed of a church in the Hamilton community, we wanted to renew the community through serving relentlessly.  This meant we would have to be a “Get it done church!” Your reputation is out there!  People know that Jesus is here and is about restoring their life.  Couldn’t believe it!

7. Love – When we took a pile of coats over to a van with a family of seven kids with NO COATS.  It was… indescribable.  Couldn’t believe it!

Thanksgiving is HERE!  I’m proud of you!  Let’s celebrate God’s provision and invite someone along with us.



217church is a multi-site church in Mercer County NJ with small groups for families in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater.  Our new East Windsor Campus is meeting Sunday December 8th 10:15 am at Ethel McKnight School and launches weekly services January 12, 2014.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services in Hamilton at 9:30 or 11 am! Visit  If you want to be in on the ground floor of a new exciting church planting environment, contact our East Windsor Campus Pastor Dan Gay at




Family and the Next Generation

You have given $72,820.63 towards our goal!  You can GIVE HERE. One of the most important values my parents poured into me was RESPONSIBILITY.  At a very young age I learned I was not only responsible for myself, but I was a member of a family that was working together to build into each other.  Growing up we had responsibilities around the house.  We cleaned, set the table, took out the trash, did the dishes, mowed the lawn etc.  It wasn’t that we had “chores”, WE ALL OWNED our part of the responsibility to make the house run smoothly.  We all had to OWN THE VISION!  This meant sacrifice.

As 217church we are responsible to and for each other.  Countless times in scripture we see Jesus treats his disciples as family.  Paul refers to us as the family as we are “baptized into the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:13) Whatever we do, we must do with the mentality that we are a family, not an institution.


NextGen2014 Josh's Blog“…that you may tell the NEXT GENERATION that this is God!”  Psalm 48:13-14

Last year was an incredible season of investing in the next generation.  Last year through the next generation offering we fully funded our youth and kids ministries. I am thrilled to report they are 150+ students STRONG!  In addition, we gave away over $50,000 to fund our local and global mission partnerships!  You are truly and amazing congregation. SO, what does this mean for us as a church going forward?  It means we all need to step up and GIVE SACRIFICIALLY to make sure the next season of our church is healthy and strong.  As families, we need to ask God for an amount then step out in faith!

4 Parts of the 2014 Next Generation Vision:  GOAL – $100,000

1. Youth & Kids Ministry  – $60,000

The stories are piling up and the lives are being transformed.  Over the last two months we had our largest youth and kids gatherings ever!  We had an incredible 217kids camp and now we want to take it to the next level.  This amount will fully fund every initiative.  The one thing we are most excited about is a trip for 20 young leaders to the Dominican Republic with our 217global missionaries Rick and Tammie Romano.  Our youth will be attending a youth conference and letting God reshape them.

2. Urban Promise Partnership $10,000

Urban Promise is doing an incredible work in the city of Trenton mentoring and investing in the lives of over 100 young people every day.  Last year, we were able to jump start their after school program and now they are healthier than ever!  This year, they are opening up a new site in another part of Trenton and we are on the front lines with them helping them develop these young lives.  Our 217youth ministry has taken responsibility to mentor and pour into their student leaders.Urban Promise Truth Camp


3. 217rebuild Initiative $10,000

This past Sunday we announced we were giving $500.00 to every single mom at 217church, no strings attached.  We are giving away in faith $10,000 to single moms this week!  These single moms work tirelessly to provide for the needs of their children.  Just this Sunday, after we told the congregation this, we received this response card from a single mom:

“I was down to my last $3.47 in my checking account and didn’t know how I was going to pay my utility bill or make it to the end of the month.  God just spoke to me that He is in control.  I love this church family!” 

4. Church Planting: 217church East Windsor – $20,000

Our East Windsor Launch services on January 12 had over 100 people ready to bring the Gospel to this community!  This investment into will go to all our community service initiatives over these next 12 months for this new work!  We have already baptized 1 person and are ready for God to move in a HUGE way through this church plant.  Church planting is a part of our DNA!  We have only been in existence for less than four years and we are already planting and extending the Gospel to a new community.

It’s time to step up, You Can GIVE to the Next Gen Vision Here!  The Next Generation is depending on us.  We are a FAMILY.  The church is the best kept secret in our community

I believe God has already provided!  Time to act.




217church is a multi-site church in Mercer County NJ with small groups for families in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater.  Our new East Windsor Campus is meets Sundays at Grace Rogers School at 10:15am.  If you are looking for a church in Mercer County NJ, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services in Hamilton at 9:30 or 11 am! Visit  If you want to be in on the ground floor of a new exciting church plant, contact our East Windsor Campus Pastor Dan Gay at




Four Building Blocks of Life

I remember being in high school wanting to graduate and get on with my life.  I was antsy, ready for college and wanted to spread my wings and fly.  Looking back on my life there are some things I wish I was more disciplined in as a younger person.

When I married and graduated college, I had a choice to make.  What type of life did I want to build?  Our role is to teach the Next Generation key building blocks in life.  This Sunday at 217church, we will share our vision for reaching the generation.  Our hope is they will surpass anything we have been able to accomplish!

I made a decision from the age of eighteen to Live Differently and build a life that was centered on key things my parents had taught me, and twenty years later, I am glad I made those choices.  Now I am committed to develop these building blocks in others.

blocks 10-13

“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.”  Luke 6:48

Over these years I have watched people (including myself) make terrible mistakes in the following four areas.  I am convinced, if we can get control of the below areas, our lives will begin to look more like a disciple of Jesus.  These are benchmarks that will reflect a well built life!

Four Building Blocks of Life

1. Spiritual Fervor – Are you listening to the Spirit of God?

This week I was listening to a very thorough explanation of how Jesus left with us the Holy Spirit and how He still works.  I was reminded of how much we can ignore God in our every day life because of all the distractions that get in the way.  Sometimes the Spirit tells us to do something and we are a coward, and other times we just have too many other things in our life to listen to Him.  Every major decision in life needs to be made by listening to the voice of God.  This means, we pray, read the word, write our thoughts, take sabbath, and overall learn to be in harmony with the Holy Spirit.  Your life begins with a relationship with Jesus.  Your very life depends on the Holy Spirit!

2. Relational Cooperation – Do you forgive others and keep short accounts?

This starts with your spouse, kids, parents, brother, and sisters, your nuclear family, and extends to those you work and do life with.  Bitterness and un-forgiveness will ruin your life and destroy your soul.  We need to learn to forgive those we live and do life with.  No matter how much you have been hurt, it isn’t worth holding a grudge against anyone.  Jesus forgives and we are instructed to forgive.  It doesn’t mean we enable abuse and neglect, but we always seek the path to forgiveness.  Recently after preaching on forgiveness, a woman came up to me and told me God was telling her to go to her husband who cheated on her and tell him, “she forgives him.”  My jaw dropped and I told her, “listen to God and do it, we’re here for you!”  If you fail to have this block, your moral authority crumbles away and your credibility disappears.

3. Financial Integrity Are you generous in giving?

Every Christ follower should be on the road to be what I call an “irrational giver.”  I believe this starts with giving away 10% of your income.  Not for legalism sake, but as a starting point of telling God you trust Him. When you give you emphasize He is the provider of all the resources.  We are simply managers.  I have referred to giving the first 10% as “training wheels.”  When we look FIRST at other’s needs and the advancement of the Kingdom of God, we become aligned with God’s purpose and he WILL USE US!  Selfishness and irresponsible financial management will lead to your ruin.  Our giving should be joyful, regular, and sacrificial.  Give, provide for your family, pay your taxes and always seek to ask, “how much should I give?”

4. Physical Disciplines – Are you intentional about how you treat your body?

Food, exercise, sleep and our mental health are spiritual issues.  Many people eat whatever they want, fall prey to addiction both substance and sexual, over work themselves, and fail to exercise.  This is a recipe for premature death and a toxic life.  Your body matters to God!  The bible says our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit.  This means we should be paying attention to taking care of our physical health.  It doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon and bench press 400 pounds, but it does mean you should ask God how He wants you to take care of the body he gave to you.

Build it smart, build it steady and it will stand.

It’s going to be an INCREDIBLE weekend!



217church is a multi-site church in Mercer County NJ with small groups for families in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater.  Our new East Windsor Campus is meeting Sunday November 10th.  If you are looking for a church in Mercer County NJ, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services in Hamilton at 9:30 or 11 am! Visit  If you want to be in on the ground floor of a new exciting church plant, contact our East Windsor Campus Pastor Justin Bronson at




Every Life Counts

It’s been 4 weeks since 217church announced our partnership with Urban Promise in Trenton.  Every day through the after school program, young lives are being impacted by Jesus.  My heart is elated about our partnership!  The success of the next generation will measure the level of our success.  We must be all about feeding, equipping and providing for the spiritual needs of the next generation.

Urban Promise Trenton is committed to providing Spiritual Development, Life Skills, Academic tutoring, and Leadership Development rooted in Christian values. They provide caring tutors and mentors who develop meaningful relationships with children and teens that help them to excel in school and their community. Children and teens who take part in our program learn how to avoid the pressures they face in their community by being a leader and making healthy choices.  They receive one on one or small group tutoring daily as well as work with Christian mentors that they can look up to.

Read this story from my friend Carl Clark, the Director of Urban Promise Trenton. Together we are providing basic needs, proving EVERY LIFE COUNTS!

“Tell the next generation that this is God”  Psalm 48:13

“Often times our children go hungry.  As we approached Thanksgiving, it occurred to me that we could help fill this need.  We can provide a healthy meal for these children that might not otherwise have one.  Recently Barry, an eight year old in our program, came in my office and said, “Mr. Carl, can I have another snack?” I replied, “You already had two snacks. You must be hungry.” Barry replied, “I am. My uncle doesn’t cook.”  I filled his backpack with snacks and immediately began researching ways we could provide not just snacks but also dinner for the children.  It made me think, “If my child was hungry and couldn’t eat, would someone help?”  Hunger is a problem that we have to proactively fight.”

Many times providing spiritual food means you must provide physical food first.  It is a privilege to walk alongside Carl and I know your generous prayer and gifts are making a difference.  EVERY LIFE COUNTS!

Give Here to the Next Generation Vision

e-mail to serve in the Urban Promise after school program


Appalling Facts about Hunger and Homelessness

A survey of 29 major American cities (including Trenton, NJ) that comprise the taskforce on hunger and homelessness, found that 86% of those cities reported a rise in emergency food demand by an average of 15%. Across the survey cities, over a quarter (27%) of the people needing emergency food assistance did not receive it. None of the cities forecast a decrease in emergency food demand and nearly all of the cities (93%) expect demand for emergency food to continue to rise. Unemployment led the list of causes of hunger, followed by poverty, low wages, and high housing costs. The study was conducted September 2010 through August 2011.

U.S. Conference of Mayors, “Hunger and Homelessness Survey-”, December 2011

Generosity In Action

Today is a guest post by our Youth Pastor, Kevin Namur.

There is nothing like seeing the next generation in action! This past Sunday 217church spent the afternoon delivering thanksgiving baskets to families in the Bromley community, our partner neighborhood. As we went door to door delivering dinner to the families, we asked for the ages of all the children in their household in preparation for our Christmas toyland, and if we could pray with them for their greatest need. As I walked the streets with our students, I was encouraged to see how passionate they were about serving the community. Eventually we met a woman named Clairmita. She asked for prayer for healing from her chronic body pain. She invited all of us into her home and shared with us her greatest need. I watched as the students immediately joined hands with her and began to pray for healing.  It was truly beautiful to see. Not only the blessing she had experienced, but the look in the students eyes as they lit up with more energy and passion to pray for those in need. I realized more than ever, our next generation doesn’t want to be told and taught generosity, they want to experience and live it out in a tangible way. They want to see and be generosity in action.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45

As I walked away from Clairmita’s house with our students, I began to ask God to remind me how we all got to a place where we felt empowered enough to enter someone’s home and pray for healing for a woman we had just met. I realized that over the last 2 years together as a youth ministry, God had walked us all through a process understanding 3 of the most powerful prayers anyone could ever pray.

3 Powerful Prayers

1. God, show me what you see

I prayed this prayer 2 years ago in my living room while praying for our HS youth ministry.  The Lord showed me a generation hungry for authenticity, ownership, and the opportunity to make a difference. We made a decision last year in our High School ministry to move to a small group centric model. Students would now meet regularly in homes and we saw them begin to open up their hearts and their bibles more than ever before. We started with the idea that we were a family. We began to pray for one another on a weekly basis and created an environment where leaders poured into our students.  Our students were hungry to see what God saw in the hearts of the youth of our community.  We began inviting more friends to be a part of our family and now our groups are multiplying. All because of a simple yet powerful prayer. “God, show me what you see.”

2. Jesus, break my heart for what breaks yours

I prayed this prayer in June and He responded with this phrase, “In order to reach those that no one is reaching, you must do things that no one is doing.”  So we reached out to Urban Promise Trenton and prayed that God would create a powerful partnership between us for His glory. Urban Promise has a heart to build leadership and strong faith in Christ in the hearts of the next generation.  God responded. The students at Urban Promise have become a part of our church family and this year we’ve been caring for one another, building relationships throughout the week, and holding each other accountable more than ever. We have encountered Jesus together in a way that has made us all realize how broken His heart is to see us and others broken.

 3. Holy Spirit, give me the boldness to do your work

This is the prayer I am challenged with today. It’s the one I began to see Him answer on Sunday as I served alongside our students. We now see what God sees when we pray together and for one another. Our hearts are now breaking for those in need. Now I believe God is bringing us through a season where we are beginning to receive the boldness to do things we have never done before. We are looking forward to serving families in Trenton for our Christmas service project this year. As a ministry we are asking God to redirect us in any way He wants to ensure we continue to see what He sees, break for what He breaks for, and have the boldness to do what He calls us to do.

This should be the cry of all of our hearts as Christ followers at 217church. Especially in this season of the year where practical needs can be met so easily, I pray you would dare to adopt these 3 prayers in your daily life. Why? Because at one point the Son of God saw what His Father saw here on earth. Not only did His heart break but His body broke to save us all from sin. God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit gave Him the boldness to endure the cross. And He rose again victorious over sin so that we could have life forever with Him. He also left us with a clear calling: To do what He did and to be to this earth what He was. HOPE. Will you walk into His calling for your life by beginning to pray these 3 prayers? “God show me what you see.  Jesus, break my heart for what breaks yours.  Holy Spirit, give me the boldness to do your work.”

Which of these prayers is the hardest for you and why?

Next Generation Vision 2013

217church now launches into a season that will cause us to never be the same!  Over the past few months we have been in conversation and prayer with Urban Promise Trenton, which rebuilds lives of the children of the city.  We have now officially partnered to reach the city of Trenton together.   Imagine children and youth of the city transformed by the Gospel of Jesus! This Sunday is our opportunity to make a HUGE difference in the lives of the next generation. How can you be a part of the Next Generation Vision 2013?

“…that you may tell the next generation that this is God.” Psalm 48:13


We all bear the responsibility for the generation that comes after us and we must be compelled to ensure kids have a chance to hear the Gospel. Our heart is for children and youth to be transformed by its power both across the street and around the world

Four Parts of the Next Generation Vision 2013…               Total Goal:  $100,000

Part #1 Urban Promise Trenton – Every day through after school programs, Urban Promise reaches into the heart of Trenton and trains and equips young people to discover God’s will and plan for their life.  By pouring love and care into kids and youth, Urban Promise is an organization on the front lines of equipping the Next Generation. WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal: $25,000

Part #2  217youth & 217kids Ministries – Every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday we reach over 125 youth and kids as they hear of the love of Jesus.  Our 217youth center provides an essential place for our youth to gather and sense his call. This summer over 100 kids went to our 217kids camp! We want to fund every ministry initiative through this offering.   WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal: $35,000

Part #3  The 217rebuild Initiative – This is a brand new ministry targeted towards families who need help providing basic needs.  No child should go hungry and no parent should have to worry where their next meal is coming from.  In providing food, clothing and basic needs, we will set the example for “Caring for One Another Deeply.”  WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal $20,000

Part #4 217global – We have partnered with Rick & Tami Romano of the Dominican Republic in providing love, health and education to the children of the D.R.  We are anticipating incredible things through the planting of churches and sharing the Gospel with kids and youth of the Dominican.  We will be making a trip in March of 2013!  WE ARE ALL IN!  ARE YOU?  Goal $20,000

These four vital pieces of our ministry are already seeing amazing fruit and are poised to transform lives over this next year.  What will you sacrifice and give in order that “we may tell the next generation” about The Gospel of Jesus!  This weekend will blow you away as we hear the story of Carl Clark, the founder of Urban Promise Trenton!


See you there Sunday at 10am & 11:30am!