Should I Do It? I’m Just Not Sure

What do I do?  What decision do I make?  Life is full of questions and one thing is for sure, this will not change anytime soon.  But sometimes we have a gut feeling something is right or wrong.  When presented with the option to come to Jersey and leave a ministry we loved, when presented with the option to plant a church, when presented with the option to adopt three children from Uganda, we had to make BIG decisions, and we couldn’t just trust our gut.  These decisions were full of faith, uncertainty and a lot of trust.  BUT how do we know whether or not we are called to do something? or rather, IT?

The distance between our current reality and our calling is RISK.

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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”  Proverbs 3:5

So back to the question; Should you do IT?  Are you called to IT?  Is it a deep conviction?  Here are some things to do when you are unsure if IT is for YOU.  And a little hint, you probably won’t be 100% sure, that is ok.  God likes us to step out in faith!  You CAN’T please him if you don’t.  (Hebrews 11:6)

You Might Be Called to ‘IT’ If…  

#1 You can’t stop thinking about it – Ever had a moment where you KNOW you heard from God and then time went by and you just COULDN’T get that thought out of your head?  Yep – that is sometimes how it works.  You didn’t think it, God put it there. If you can’t let go, you MIGHT need to do it.  Here is a hint:  If there is a scripture that lines up with it, BINGO!  Even more confirmation. 

#2 It will cost you everything – If you are going to do something that is a GOD sized idea, it won’t be cheap and easy.  If it is, it probably ISN’T from God.  God calls us to a faith based relationship with him, not just a facts based relationship.

#3 You use every possible excuse not to do it – Reasoning yourself out of following God is a recipe for deep pain.  Remember Jonah?  He didn’t want to go to Nineveh, so he ran as far as he could.  Not good.  Trust me, the vision God has shared with you will find you out.  It will be a sobering revelation about your level of trust in God.

#4 You are one of the few who can actually do it – Why do you think you have that skill, speak that language, possess that gift or have the resources and finances to pull it off?  Some things just make sense and you need to stop running.  God has positioned you for it, equipped you in it and empowered you already.  Go do it!

#5 You are terrible at what you do now – Ever seen someone who is ATROCIOUSLY misaligned with their organization or personal skills?  What a waste.  We all have, and I’m guessing you’ve been there.  If you don’t fit, move on. God has something better for you.  Relax and trust because that is why he gave you this vision and called you in the first place.  He KNOWS!

#6 You notice the people around you suffering because of your lack of willingness – If we don’t follow God’s plan we can hold our family, our co-workers, our church, and those around us back.  When you are the ‘bottleneck’ and the stumbling block to people around you, maybe God is calling you on.  It’s ok!  Change is part of life and it doesn’t mean you aren’t valuable, it means God has a better spot for you!

It is time!  Go and do IT!


Join us for our New series beginning June 26 – Overboard – Things we say to God


June 26 – I Don’t Want to            July 3 – Help Me!

     July 10 – I Don’t Agree God         July 17 – I Won’t Approve God

217church meets at 10 AM at the Hamilton AMC24 Theater  11 AM at the Robbinsville Sharon Elementary School every Sunday morning.  If it is your 1st time, we have a special gift waiting for you!

Josh is the founding pastor of 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 10:00am and Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ at 11:00.  Our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, we would love to have you join us.  Don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information. or watch a weekend message here

Photo Credit – Here’s who to thank

Finish Strong

A guest blog by Pastor Dan Gay
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A Tribute to My Dad. (Nov 4, 1937- March 25, 2015)


Eight weeks ago, I got “the call.” You had battled lung cancer courageously for 2.5 yrs but had finally passed and were now with Jesus. We knew you were in the final stages but you’re the toughest man I know; hey you had already beaten cancer two different times, one of which was pancreatic (a 5 year survival rate of just 6%).  So we thought maybe lung cancer was just another hurdle. There were times we all thought you had taken a turn for the worse only to see you rebound time and again. You are no quitter and true to that, you fought until the very end. But it became clear to all of us kids (Dad raised 9) that it was time. Even then, you went on your terms making sure that you encouraged and blessed Diana and Donna (my sisters) who had cared for you so well.

It’s a little easier for me now, Dad. More and more when I think of you, I remember the joy that you shared not the pain you endured – and I smile. Two days before, AnneMarie, DJ and Bob (my cousins) were there to visit, to say hello and… to say goodbye. But this would be no somber affair as you perked up, telling stories, making them laugh and, when your voice started to fail making it difficult to breathe with the chest tube, you rolled up a piece of paper into a megaphone so you could be heard. After all the show must go on!

You were a man that loved to laugh, loved to make people laugh and loved to make others’ difficult times easier. You were a supreme optimist. In your world things were better than they used to be and you were convinced they would continue to get better. Every setback was just a pothole to drive over while you kept moving forward.

Thank you for sharing your world, your encouragement and your laughter with us! We’re proud to be part of your legacy. We love you and we miss you here.

Your Son,


I am my fathers son and when I think about all my Dad taught me, these 3 standout along with lessons I have learned from them.

Passion – Psalm 73:26

My Dad was a man fueled by passion. He taught me that without passion, life is just a routine. Passion towards your goals/dreams turns a routine day into an adventure so never let go of it. I have learned over the years that passion can drive me to accomplish things where others fail or give up.

Life Lesson: Find where God has given you passion and you will begin to find your ministry.

Perseverance – Galatians 6:9

My Dad was a man forged by perseverance. He taught me to never give up, to not be afraid to work hard, and to be a “whatever it takes” guy that people can depend on. There is no “can’t” because there is always a way. The best dreams are ones you have to fight for.

Life Lesson: God doesn’t call us to do anything part of the way, He asks if we are willing to go all-in.

Purpose – 1 Peter 2:9

My Dad was a man driven by purpose. He taught me to not be afraid to ask why. Things done without purpose are just tasks. There is always a reason and you can’t improve what you don’t understand. One of my favorite books is, “The Purpose Driven Life” which speaks about how purpose is key to any endeavor. One of my passions as a pastor is to help churches and people persevere with a purpose.

Life Lesson: God calls you FOR a Purpose, ON Purpose BUT its is for HIS Purpose, so hold it all loosely.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 3:13-14

Here is what I said at my Dad’s memorial service:

“That in the last 20 years of my Dad’s life…”

  • He Grew in Humility where there once was Pride
  • He Grew in Dependence where there once was Self- Sufficiency
  • He Grew in Hope where there once was Guilt

And he did all of this because he grew in FAITH!

My Dad came to realize believing in Jesus was not just a theology. For his faith to be real, it had to be a way of life. It had to be the center of his life and then everything else was small stuff by comparison… and he lived it.

That is what I call finishing strong!

Thank you Wallace Richard Gay, Sr. for finishing strong and setting the example for those who knew you, that it IS ALL ABOUT JESUS.