Consistency – Day 9

Today’s reading – James 1:1-18, 1 Corinthians 15:56-58

I was running on Quakerbridge road today during rush hour and it was bumper to bumper traffic.  Over the course of about a mile I slowly but surely would pass cars plodding along at my 8:00 per mile pace. I started playing a game with this one particular BMW, he would pass me, then I would pass him.  This happened several times but eventually he got stuck and I smoked him.  Over the course of about a mile I won.  I ran a mile with my little shoes faster than he drove with his BMW 7 series.  I ran faster than a car today.  Why?  Consistency…

“Consistency is the catalyst for change.”

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain...”  1 Corinthians 15:58


What you are doing matters.  How is your race going?  There is a word that I love reading in the Bible – Steadfast.  219 times in the Bible we see a form of this word.  Most of the time the word is used to explain the nature of God.  Sixteen times in the New Testament we come across this verse and it mainly, in letters to the church, encourages us to mirror and model the steadfastness of Jesus in our faith and deeds.  In short, be consistent.  But consistency is hard.  It requires discipline.  Tonight at the dinner table the kids were going around saying what they were thankful for and Godfrey said,  “I am thankful for discipline because it teaches us how to learn and if you don’t have it you won’t learn.”  


Whoa!! Little man, where did you get such wisdom? I have no idea where it came from but he nailed it.  Steadfastness comes from the Spirit of God that enables us to have discipline.  This exceedingly pleases God.  May you be steadfast in your example to each other as the church as he renews us together during this time of prayer and fasting.


If you missed the explanation of our 40 Day fasting and prayer, here is the Sunday message from 217church


The 40 Day Fasting Explanation

A season of fasting and prayer – Over the next 40 days leading up to our 9th anniversary, our church family will be in a season of fasting and prayer.  I invite you to come along with us and ask God for a transformation by the renewal of our minds.

A 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide for 217church

1. An Everyday Habit in the Word – Each day I will be sending out a short devotional based on some selected readings.  This begins through a simple prayer of asking God to renew us.

2. Continual Fasting  – A 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide for 217church

God has blessed us through incredibly unique circumstances over the last nine years as 217church.  We have baptized over 275 people and been given the unique calling to have a church planting and multiplication vision.  The past 18 months of ministry have led the pastors and elders to call us as a congregation to a season of prayer and fasting.  We want to use this time to understand the depth of God’s heart for us and the next steps he is calling us to.  I trust your heart will be open and God will bring us to a deeper understanding of what it means to “rebuild lives one person at a time.”

We believe God wants us to fast over a period of 40 days.  As a reminder, what you choose to fast is between you and Jesus. But you may want to include some natural encouragement and accountability over this 40 day period.  This may mean you are doing one of the following as an example:

  • Skipping a meal or a whole day of meals.
  • Eliminating something like sugar, coffee, or meat to remind you of your total dependence on God.
  • Encouraging one another in the church family as you pray together and sacrifice your physical sustenance for spiritual direction and focus.

What will God do? I am looking forward to see his direction.

Renewal is on the way – Join me along this process


Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church meets Sundays at 9:30am & 11:00am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ.  Visit for more information, or watch a weekend message here.

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