How Long Will I Have To Wait? – Day 16

Not now does not mean not ever

Today’s reading – Exodus 15:22-27, Isaiah 40:28-31

When will this pass?  Have you ever asked that question?  Of course you have.  We have all been in situations where our current reality was not our ideal situation.  The house wasn’t right, the body was sick, the marriage was struggling, the job wasn’t right, the ministry was just a bit off, we knew a change was coming but we couldn’t make the ideal happen.  God had to do it and let’s face it, He has to come through on his timeline.   What a challenge it is to fully live the Christian life.  But throughout the process of waiting, God’s goal is never to punish us, but always to draw us closer to Him through our circumstances.

“God withholds because something better is on the horizon.”

“But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31


So I have three dogs and they DO NOT like waiting for their treats.  One dog in particular though is very well trained and will sit for quite a long time waiting for the appropriate command.  I often wonder sometimes if my dog has more patience than I have.  Patience is a challenging thing though.  Only by walking lock step with God do we learn the voice of God over time.  No small detail is left out.  Start to believe that God has your best future in mind and let the anxiety and complaining subside.


Two Principles to help us while waiting…


1. Timing Principle – “God’s timing is rarely if not ever our timing.”  But here is the real issue…authority.  How you answer the authority question either restricts you or releases you towards the ideal vision God has for you.  When Moses and the Israelites came into the wilderness in Exodus 15, they encountered bitter water.  Instead of leaning on God’s timing, knowing God did not bring them to the wilderness to have them die, they complained.  So God heard their prayer and God made bitter water sweet.  He would have done it even without their whining.  I am convinced the timing of God is always a test from God.  (For more see Matthew 8:5-13)


2. Trust Principle –  “You are being pruned for your progress.” God is always in the process of drawing us close to him and let’s face it, if you received whatever you wanted from God whenever you wanted it, you would start to believe you are a god.  The patience you develop by waiting on a God given vision brings humility.  Remember, God is after intimacy and relationship, not the finished product of what you can do for him.  Remember, God doesn’t need us, He chooses to love us and pursue us because it is in his nature to love.  God – Is – Love.  Don’t mistake the level of your perceived success and the ease of your life for God being more in love with you.  God will prune you so you can grow more.  (for more see John 15:1-5)


As we are renewed let’s remember closeness with God brings healing and true contentment.  It’s worth the wait.


The 40 Day Fasting Explanation

A season of fasting and prayer – Over the next 40 days leading up to our 9th anniversary, our church family will be in a season of fasting and prayer.  I invite you to come along with us and ask God for a transformation by the renewal of our minds.

A 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide for 217church

1. An Everyday Habit in the Word – Each day I will be sending out a short devotional based on some selected readings.  This begins through a simple prayer of asking God to renew us.

2. Continual Fasting  – A 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide for 217church

God has blessed us through incredibly unique circumstances over the last nine years as 217church.  We have baptized over 275 people and been given the unique calling to have a church planting and multiplication vision.  The past 18 months of ministry have led the pastors and elders to call us as a congregation to a season of prayer and fasting.  We want to use this time to understand the depth of God’s heart for us and the next steps he is calling us to.  I trust your heart will be open and God will bring us to a deeper understanding of what it means to “rebuild lives one person at a time.”

We believe God wants us to fast over a period of 40 days.  As a reminder, what you choose to fast is between you and Jesus. But you may want to include some natural encouragement and accountability over this 40 day period.  This may mean you are doing one of the following as an example:

  • Skipping a meal or a whole day of meals.
  • Eliminating something like sugar, coffee, or meat to remind you of your total dependence on God.
  • Encouraging one another in the church family as you pray together and sacrifice your physical sustenance for spiritual direction and focus.

What will God do? I am looking forward to see his direction.

Renewal is on the way – Join me along this process


Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church meets Sundays at 9:30am & 11:00am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ.  Visit for more information, or watch a weekend message here.

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