Day #14: Honoring The Maker

Today, we mourn with our brothers and sisters in Haiti who have experienced so much loss. It is our prayer that God will bring mercy and peace to the people of Haiti. Yes, we can pray, but we should also give. Our parent organization is on the ground providing relief, will you respond? You can give here:

Title: Honoring the Maker

Scripture Read: Proverbs 14

Key Verse:  Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him.”  Proverbs 14:31


It is very clear from scripture, take care of the poor.  Love the poor, don’t take advantage of them, and do all in your power to empower them to work and give them what they need.  Oppressing them insults God.  I love this proverb because it is giving us a glimpse into what would be the ways of Jesus hundreds of years later.  Jesus was all about the poor and the hurting.  He trained his followers to be activist and “give them something to eat.” The poor who are despised by their neighbors (vs. 20) are crying out to us to Live Differently.  To be the ones who set the example of how to treat the poor.  We don’t have to despise the poor, we don’t have to continue the cycle of oppression.  It is our role to take responsibility.  Christ followers stand up for the whole community, every last person.


Devastating.  As I was watching images from Haiti, I had to turn the TV off.  Knowing there are people trapped under rubble, breathing their last breath, crying out for help and dying alone was too painful to think of.  But it fuels within me a desire to do something and a sense of urgency.  Haiti, just miles off the coast of Florida is poor and now resembles a war zone.  What will I do today and what should I do to help?  Our job is to lead the way in compassion and understanding for the poor.  We should be ones who are activist for those around the world hurting.  Let me encourage in this way though.  Let’s not ignore the problems on our doorstep while we help the world.  We have just started a partnership with the Bromley community center in Hamilton. In order to solve the problems of the world, we have to solve the problems of our own neighborhoods and community.  I long to live in a community where we look to the needs of the poor first.  We are a long way off, but we can get there.  Restored lives are one humane caring act away.  As we bring them food, housing, shelter, we show them the love of Jesus.


Give me wisdom in how to take care of the poor and to empower and encourage others to do the same.  Help me to take my eyes off my wants and focus on their needs.

Burning Questions:

Is there anything you are doing to oppress the poor?  Do you find yourself judging the poor rather than being a part of helping them?  What will you do today, not to make yourself feel better, but to give them hope?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Day #14: Honoring The Maker

  1. We had a devastating earthquake in Guatemala in 1976, I was 17 years old! It was a horrible experience… so watching the photos and live TV brought back those memories! At that moment, you have no idea what is going on, you are just being shaken from one side to the other and you are not able to walk. My mom was beside me that day she just said get on the floor and she got on top of me… fortunately our house was not damaged, but when we realized how bad it had been around the country, how many were dead it was a terrible feeling.

    I feel for the people in Haiti, most of all because it is one of the poorest countries in the world and one of the ‘darkest’ countries around in need of the light of God.

    We are the hands and feet of Jesus, we certainly need to do more for the poor. As this verse says: Prov 14:20 The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends. My mom was so moved by the poor, she used to help in every way she could. She helped through Feed the Children, World Vision, she would cook for people she knew were in need. Helped at Soup Kitchens in New Brunswick… so I need to follow her lead, I need to start doing what she began doing a long time ago.

    Thank you Lord for reminding us that there are less fortunate people around us that need a helping hand.. let’s not just say go in peace! May our hearts be moved not just when a tragedy comes, but let us ‘perceive’ and act accordingly to Your teachings.