Day 18: Humility Comes Before Honor

Title: Humility Comes Before Honor

Scripture Read: Proverbs 18

Key Verse:  Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.”  Proverbs 18:12


When a man displays humility it is plain to see.  I love being around people who want nothing in return, no accolades or credit, no recognition or expectation.  We are wired as people to naturally expect something in return.  There is a strict warning for when we feel our heart tending towards pride.  When this happens, words and credit may come, but truly the honor becomes lost.  No one likes to be around people who know it all or think they are better than everyone.  People who rule according to their needs and fail to look out for those they serve are on the edge of a downfall.  Humility is a beautiful thing and yet, I don’t want the title humility.  Once I claim that title I become proud.


When I think of Martin Luther King Jr. I think of humility.  He devoted his whole life and being to equal rights and the ending of racial oppression in our country.  He won the Nobel peace prize at the age of 35. Amazing.  People who stand for peace are usually humble people.  They want the betterment of others and the advancement of an ideal of treating others like humans.  This should not be so difficult but we know how difficult it can be for us.  Was martin Luther King Jr. perfect, not at all, but we look back at his life and look at his moments of reconciliation and peace as the most humble moments of his life.  His well known I have a dream speech carries so much humility with it that it motivates me to jump on board with his vision.  Humble people are those who promote peace and are attractive.  It is why the message of Jesus is so powerful, so much humility.  I want to stand for humility and be a broker of peace.  This is one of my most important roles as a Christ follower.


Lord, show me my pride and eliminate it

Burning Questions:

In what ways are you prideful?  What do you think you should do in order to cultivate humility in your life?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Day 18: Humility Comes Before Honor

  1. Uff… humility… why is it so difficult to get to that point? Usually “we” humans are very proud, it’s very unusual to find humble people, really humble. The good thing is that it is not far away, it is not an impossible task. Usually pride stands out more than humbleness… let’s make the necessary changes in our life!

    Prov 18:14 A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness,
    but a crushed spirit who can bear?

    This verse touches me because I saw how my mother went through 2 years of lung cancer (without any treatment because doctors didn’t know what was wrong with her until she passed and had an autopsy) But her spirit was always so positive, so full of energy throughout all this ordeal, always thanking God for a new day, for her health, believing that better days would come. She was a strong woman, with a strong faith, never doubting, always thankful! I remember how every morning, her first words were: Thank you Lord for this new day -with hands up in the air- then she would get her Bible and start her daily devotional. She believed no matter what she heard from the doctors! She would say that doctors didn’t know what they were saying, that they didn’t know what was wrong with her because NOTHING was wrong, she was in God’s care and that was all that mattered. Her passing was so peaceful, we could perceive the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room, she loved to sing, so I started singing her favorite worship song before she left: How Great Thou Art. We knew she was being swept away by the Angels, we could sense it! There was weeping, but we let her go knowing she was going Home. It was the 4th anniversary this past Friday… probably that’s why this verse was so powerful.

    If our spirit is crushed, we can’t withstand problems, sickness, controversy, or anything that might come to our life. That is why it is so important to maintain a healthy spiritual life, that is key also for us to become humble, because if we have the Spirit of God within us we shouldn’t and couldn’t be proud!!! Let’s start now!

    God, we need to shed all pride away, we need to walk with You daily, forgive us when we stumble and fall, we know that your hand is always there to pick us up. Jesus, transform our hearts, renew our minds!

  2. Beautiful words Josh! I am a singer/minister and I sing in a group with my two sisters. Our father always reminded us daily of these words, “humility comes before honor”. God bless you in your ministry. And may God always shine on your pathway.