Seasons #2 – Day 45 of 75 Days

Scripture Read:  Psalm 89, 90

Key Verse:  Psalm 90:12

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”


This verse jumped out at me when I was reading Psalm 90.  It’s a call for both patience and urgency. Wisdom is often demonstrated in the bible as patience, being slow to speak, taking the time to listen, understanding and hearing before speaking or acting. The urgency comes from numbering our days. We only have so many breaths so many heartbeats to make a difference in this life. When you number your days you know you are on a time line to finish the race that was set before you (Heb 12:1).


One of my favorite passages is Ecc 3: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:”. It reminds me that everything I do is for a season and I need to make the most of each of those seasons. At 48 (yup I’m that OLD), I have had a lot of seasons in my life and some have been easier than others. When I look back I see that the toughest seasons were the ones that I didn’t number my days.  I didn’t pursue God’s will with intentionality, focus and purpose, which for me equates to carrying it out with passion. I believe everything we do is for a season and God, not me, gets to decide when that season is up. My task is to be a good steward of the gifts, responsibility and people He has entrusted to me for the season I am in. My role is to do so with passion and purpose. Always keeping in mind there will be an end and I need to leave it better than when I received it. I don’t believe there are many lifetime appointments, so we always need to be asking God two questions

1.     In this season of ministry, who do you want me to build into and raise up?

2.     Am I still to continue in this season or are you calling me to something new?

If we are not asking God those questions then we may miss the next season he has for us. One thing I have learned is the hardest season IN Gods will is infinitely better than the most comfortable season OUTSIDE of it.


Lord, keep me humble and striving to do your will in your season for your purposes. Help me to give you all my talents and gifts that you would use them in your time and in your way. Help me to ask the tough questions when it is a season of change so that I can hear your voice. Help me to remember to number my days and run the race YOU set before me with passion, purpose and humility. Thank you for your love, your grace and your mercy.

By Dan 217staff team

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