Do You Want To Be Healed?

You might be reading this thinking, “Of course I want to be healed?  What kind of a question is that?”  At first I thought the same thing, until I began to interact with people who wanted to take no action, have no faith, and expect their circumstances to change.

No matter what area of your life is sick, and believe me, we are living in a very sick world, I believe you can be healed through Jesus!  Your finances, your physical health, your marriage, your parenting, and your emotional health can all be healed.  We are simply told to believe.

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“When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” John 5:6

There is this passage of the bible in John 5 where there is an invalid that Jesus has compassion on.  Jesus asks him, and is asking us today, this powerful question, “Do you want to be healed?”  But here are some hurdles we must overcome if we are to be healed.  And before I go any further, remember this.  God is sovereign.  He is the one who chooses to heal.  Our part is to believe and act in great faith.

4 Hurdles of Unbelief To Overcome…

1. Routine  –  Sometimes, we get caught in the “doom loop of sickness.”  Sickness becomes really the only thing we have known for so long, so we just stay sick.  In essence, we think to ourselves, we have tried everything and we just – simply – give – up.  The sick man Jesus was talking to had been there for thirty-eight years(John 5:5) How long have you been sick? It’s time.  Believe you will be healed!

2. Excuses  –  Everyone has an excuse for why they can’t be healed.  The longer you have been sick, the more excuses you tend to build up.  The man’s excuse was, “everyone else is too quick to get in the pool!” (John 5:7) The man felt helpless so I am sure he had given up.  How long have you been making excuses for your unbelief? It’s time.  Believe you will be healed!

3. Doubters and Haters –  What will everyone else think?  Some of us have people and circumstances we are keeping around us that are keeping us sick.  Some people will never let you change.  The Pharisees, instead of being elated and enthusiastic about the greatest miracle they had seen in their lifetime were concerned what day it happened? (John 5:10)  Are you kidding me?  Who cares what other people think!  Believe you will be healed!

4. Over thinkingBy far my favorite part of this miracle is the man didn’t even know who Jesus was! (John 5:13)  HUGE ADVANTAGE!  You mean to tell me that this man was physically healed by Jesus and never accepted Jesus into his heart?  What?  YES!  EXACTLY!  This is what we call child like faith.  He was so tired of his circumstance that he actually DID what JESUS said to do.  Are you tired of your circumstances?  It’s time.  Believe you will be healed!

Here is the best part of this story.  Later, after Jesus healed the man he went and sought him out!  He looked for the man and told him to “stop sinning so that something worse wouldn’t happen to Him.” (John 5:14)  What was Jesus saying?  It’s time to obey me.  STOP LIVING IN SIN!  Jesus cares more about your heart than he does your physical circumstances.  And how does this scripture end?  The Man won’t shut up about Jesus.  (John 5:15)

May God allow you to receive healing that you may bear witness to His power within you! Believe you will be healed!



This Sunday:  Jesus is MIRACULOUS!

We are the church that meets at the theater!  Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 9:30 & 11am and Starplex Cinemas in East Windsor, NJ at 10:15.  Our new East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, don’t miss our weekend services. Visit for more information.




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