Day #3: Humility For Wisdom’s Sake

Title: “Humility for Wisdom’s Sake”

Scripture Read: Proverbs 3

Key Verse: “Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and shun evil”
Proverbs 3:7

Solomon sprinkles into his admonition one sentence that if missed can be detrimental. It seems as if he is suggesting in your quest for wisdom don’t ever think you have the corner on the market of wisdom. Once people put the title of “wise” on you, you have been set up to fail. It seems the same is true for humility. Three ideas present themselves in this verse: wisdom, humility, and holiness. This verse above has everything I need for today. I need nothing more.

Today was an interesting day today. I was privileged to meet some leaders of local and state government from the state of New Jersey. As I gave the invocation at this public event, the wonderful woman sitting next to me leaned over and said, “that was beautiful, thank you so much for doing that.” I met her before the event started and she had such a warm and humble presence about her. I love being around people who aren’t “know it alls.” People who genuinely want to find out something about you and are encouragers. People who you can tell have character. Many government workers sacrifice hours and hours of their time to serve the good of the people. I am truly thankful for people like her.

Gaining wisdom demands flexibility. Just when I think I have something figured out, the circumstances change. Remaining humble demands learning. The circumstances of the people are constantly changing and I need to continually learn what is best for the contexts in which I lead. If I am to have credibility in all these things I must maintain holiness. In the end all I have is my character.

Lord, as I learn wisdom from people and your word, help me to never be conceited in what I think I know. Lord, give me the humility to always maintain a learning posture and finally, give me the strength and character to shun the evil that abounds around me. Help me to lead those around me well and to maintain a correct view of who is the leader of my family, the church, and the community, You are!

The Burning Questions:
In what situation or context do you find yourself thinking your ideas are better than everyone else’s? Who are you learning from?

Day #2: The Guard

Title: “The Guard”

Scripture Read: Proverbs 2

Key Verse: “for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.” Proverbs 2:8

The promise of this verse created such a peace today when I read it. The writer of the Proverbs creates very simple, “if, then” consequence and reward. He paints a picture of a wise God who takes care of us and looks out for us and gives us simple warnings about lack of discretion, sinful delight, and perverse and wicked ways. I genuinely sensed that God wants the best for me. I need to know that because I know some people who don’t want the best for me, they want something from me. There is a natural anxiety I have picked up in most people’s lives including my own. The anxiety of who is going to take care of us? Will we make it through the economic crisis? Will my kids make it through their teen years? Does anyone really love me? Worry consumes the hearts of so many people, but ultimately God gives us so many reasons not to worry but to depend on him as our protector and guard. He is the guard of my eyes, my ears, and the things I don’t even realize he protects me from. The good is that he guards me continually.

I need to sense that God is guarding my life. There’s something to be said for having an advocate that stands at the door of my life and protects me. I have Him, you have Him, together as we plant this church, every decision we make will be made in light of God our protector. Jesus wants me to succeed as a leader. Jesus fights for you and me as fathers, mothers, students, and siblings. Whatever fears we have need to be put behind us. He is a strong guard who is looking out for us. When we live in a way that stands for purity, he is there, defending, protecting and advocating for me. Jesus went to the cross not in vain, but for a purpose. Now we don’t have to live a purposeless, anxious, hurt filled life.

Lord, my prayer is for 217church today, that those caught in indiscretion would repent, that those who are anxious would find peace, and those who feel alone would know that Jesus is guarding them standing up for them. Lord may they know the whole church is standing, advocating for them as well. Lord, protect people from hurt and attacks that would discourage their faith.

The Burning Question:
Is worry consuming you, what is your #1 worry and will you give it to Jesus daily over the next 31 days?

Day #1: 31 Days of Wisdom

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the Thirty-One Days of Wisdom.  Why?

One thing I need more of is wisdom, wisdom from the creator Himself.  I need wisdom from the Word of God in 2010.  As we start 217church and launch February 21, we want to be a church that is built on the foundation of wise thinking and wise actions.

“Thirty-one” is designed to establish three things for 2010:

#1 Discipline in reading the Word everyday.
#2 Focused listening in what God would say to us individually and
together as 217church as we capture our thoughts.
#3 Unity among us as we study the word together.

How does it work?
Proverbs has 31 chapters and January has 31 days,

#1 Read one Proverb every day, that corresponds with the date.
#2 Receive the daily e-mail journal entry from Josh and 217church
#3 Make your own entry in your own journal following below format

How do I make my own journal entry?

A journal entry is simply a log of what God is saying to you as you study the Word.

S- Scripture, it all begins with the scripture, pick a key verse, the one that jumped out at you, the one that seems to speak to you the most today, record it.

O- Observation, make simple observations about the scripture using who what, when, where. It doesn’t have to be long, just simple and something you have noticed.

A- Application, This is where it gets personal. Is there a behavior to change? An attitude to correct? A sin to confess?  What situation are you facing today this verse speaks to? What do you need to do today?  Is there an action step for today?  Is there something concrete you won’t just say you will do, but that you will do? Application is all about letting God speak to you directly, then doing something about it. When you write, write in the first person, ‘I’

P- Prayer, write a prayer to God today, make it an honest expression to God about what you think about him, need, and what you would say to him at this moment.

I am looking forward to hearing what God is doing through us.  Below is the first entry, it should serve as a simple example of what you can do to begin reading and capturing what God is saying to you.  Please comment on this blog as it will be a place of interaction for us.

Proverbs Book Journal           January 1, 2010

Title: “Who will we listen to?”

Scripture Read: Proverbs 1

Key Verse: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

Solomon in all is riches and splendor asked God for wisdom. I am particularly pleased with this because we benefit from this today. Proverbs is like a preserved gift to the church. Solomon is building a case for us to view wisdom as supreme in every dealing in life. The idea is this: “First we must change our minds to listen to Jesus before we can be like Jesus.” There is a theme of respect for wisdom and being able to listen to wisdom.

It is appropriate for us to start the new year with a daily discipline of being in the word seeking the wisdom of God. My heart is to listen to Jesus so I can be more like him. I need to talk less and listen more.  There are so many people, books and philosophies to be distracted by. I can hear the voice of God saying, “listen to me, forget about everything else, I created you!” I can only do this if I have the mind of Christ and the only way to get the mind of Christ is to spend time with him.

As we plant this church together, my commitment is to be in the word. This is what our commitment should be. If I fail to be in the word and fail to lead people in this, then what am I doing? The word is supreme and I must immerse myself in it on a daily basis. Together we must take a stand to be people of the Word of God, not the word of Oprah, not Dr. Phil, not O’reilly, Beck, Obama, Clinton etc. I respect these people, but true wisdom comes from the Word of God.

Lord, help me to be a man who studies and listens to your Word.  You are the true source of wisdom.  Now give us your wisdom together as we start this church.  Give us wisdom in what to say as you restore lives, build your church, and renew this community.  Together, we choose to submit ourselves to your wisdom.

The Burning Question:
What ‘noise’ will you have to shut out in order to listen to the Word more through the thirty-one days of wisdom?

P.S. Go Ducks and Hawks!