Day #13: Pretenders

Title: Pretenders

Scripture Read: Proverbs 13

Key Verse:  One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth”.  Proverbs 13:7


In this passage we find some incredible wisdom nuggets when it comes to handling money.  First, we see a clear call for all of us to work hard.  “The sluggard gets nothing…” At first glance that seems harsh, but then after thinking about it a while, in my experience, those who don’t work and labor for something don’t value it.  In a little while they will be looking for the next hand out.  It isn’t about the appearance of wealth, it is about being wise in handling money.  Forget about the appearance, appearances are inconsequential.  It is all smoke and mirrors. One small problem is spoken against here, materialism.  How insecure we are as people to have to care that someone else cares what kind of car I drive.  Coolness is so ridiculous and overrated.


I have met the prettiest people in the world living here in this area of the world who are as broke as broke can be.  There are scores of people who act rich to make themselves feel better and impress the person at the stop light they will never see again.  Why is it that we care so much about what people think about us?  We are pretending to be rich.  We drive new vehicles with a payment we can barely make to impress the person at the stop light we will never see again.  We have credit card debt of $8,000+ because we eat out every other day.  We live in homes way above our income, wanting a lifestyle we can’t afford.  We live in neighborhoods for their prestige and act like Jesus cares how big our house is.  We buy slick technological trinkets.  We dress in designer clothes so people think we are cool and hip.  We buy huge big screen TV’s.  The real rich people I know live simply and give with amazing generosity.  They drive their cars into the ground, get their clothes at target, and their houses are paid off.  They don’t need a BMW or a Mercedes to define them.  I don’t need a BMW to make me happy.  Recently, some friends of ours had their house burn down.  When I talked to him on the phone, I will never forget his words.  “We have each other, we have food, we have friends that love us, and we have a place to stay tonight.”  I refuse to pretend.


Lord, thank you for your provision of today, help me to be wise about today with my finances so I am able to generously help those in true need and be able to give to advance your work in this community.

Burning Questions:

In what way are you pretending to be rich?  What do you need to sell in order to pay off a debt?  Write your definition of what you think rich is.

Day #12: Measured Words

Title: Measured Words

Scripture Read: Proverbs 12

Key Verse: “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18


The end of this proverb is clear.  Truth is what is valued.  In a world of deception and half-truths, the whole truth is freeing and healing.  Detestable is strong language for words that are deceptive and people who use words loosely will come to their end quickly.  It is hard to respect people who use words without thought.  The wiser we become, the more our words should get clearer and meaningful.  They should ring true and be worth listening to.  One purpose of the tongue is healing, Our words should be full of encouragement, passion and healing.


The tongue is a difficult thing to master. (James 3) When I think of the road I have traveled to get to where I am now, I think of much pain my tongue has caused.  It is always easier to let the tongue just go, say the first thing that comes to my mind, and leave a mass of destruction from my tongue.  It takes work.  It takes discipline and it takes time.  I have my good days and I have my bad days.  But one thing I know, I can see how much common sense are in these principles.  I long to be a person who brings healing when I speak.  I have started to look for opportunities to heal with my tongue.  There is nothing quite like looking in the eyes of a child who you pay a complement to.  Watching their eyes light up.  And why is it that those we love the most we tend to hurt the most?  I want to be a man who heals with my words.


Lord, give me words that bring hope and healing and help me to measure my words, every last one.

Burning Question:

Who is someone you need to apologize to today because of your sharp tongue?

Day #11: All the Single Ladies – Uh, uh, oh…

Title: All The Single Ladies, uh-uh-oh

Scripture Read: Proverbs 11

Key Verse: “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a woman who shows no discretion.” Proverbs 11:22


Honesty, humility, integrity, kindness, generosity, righteousness and discretion:  These are the qualities we are encouraged to manifest in our lives as we read through this chapter.  This one for me had a lot to digest.  The above verse left me with much to consider.  Something so beautiful can loose its mystique and beauty when it is not presented with honor and respect.  Pigs were the lowest of low to the original reader.  When a beautiful woman bears all to anyone, she is adorning the pig’s snout.  It becomes offensive, ridiculous and obnoxious.  What type of men should single women be looking for?  What type of women should single men be looking for?  When we choose to flaunt our assets we disrespect and cheapen who we are.  No free passes for the men here either.  Don’t think you can read this and point fingers.  When we as men exploit women for their physical beauty, we cheapen our sisters to objects of pleasure rather than treasures to be valued and treated with the utmost of respect.  Our sisters were never meant to be viewed in this way.


If you use a certain type of bait you catch a certain type of fish.  What type of bait are you single ladies using?  Don’t get me wrong.  Attraction is a normal, healthy and important part of courting.  But do we really need to see all that skin?  Aren’t some things meant for your husband?  I say this with all sincerity towards my sisters and brothers in Christ.   After all, the woman you are looking at is someone’s daughter. Mothers, set an example for your daughters.  Daughter’s, heed the words of your father.  If he doesn’t approve, honor him and change your clothes.  Fathers, never back away from sharing your opinion.  And young men, look for discretion in a woman.  If she shows discretion she is wise.  Trust me, you need a wise wife.


Lord, help our men to treat women with respect and dignity.  Help us to view them as our sisters.  Help our women to honor themselves through modesty.

Burning Question:

Is there something in your closet you should never wear again?  If so, don’t be reduced to pig jewelry.

Day #10: Making Dad Happy

Title: Making Dad Happy

Scripture Read: Proverbs 10

Key Verse: “A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother.” Proverbs 10:1


The writer begins this section with a universally known fact, kids wants their parents to be happy with them.  Approval is so important to a child growing up and for that matter if you are honest with yourself, as you become and adult.  I know my children want me to approve of them and I want my Dad to be proud of me.  There is a motivation that is implied here.  Make dad happy, be wise.  Don’t disappoint mom, turn to the ways of wisdom. He continues his themes of hard work, leaving a legacy, measured words, and listening intently to become wise.


An appropriate question before taking action in a critical situation for me would be, what would mom think of this?  What would dad think of this decision?  I don’t usually think of that when I am in a critical situation, but I have on occasion.  I remember being in high school and wanting my dad to be there when I ran a race.  I remember him screaming from the stands with an almost embarrassing intensity.  Why did he do this?  He supported what I was doing.  He believed in my training.  When I graduated from Marine Corps boot camp, when I completed Bible College, when I completed my seminary degree, and now every time I preach a message.  He is always there showing his approval.  As a matter of fact, I can’t recall a criticism or harsh word from my dad in over 10 years.  One thing I know, my Dad is proud of me and I desire his approval.

The same is true of Jesus in my life.  I need to look for his approval and “well done” first.  I need to examine my motivations in everything as I help plant this church.  What would make Jesus most pleased with this coming weekend at our new theater church?  Would Jesus smile if he saw our leadership team tonight.  Would Jesus be thrilled at the new church 217church is becoming?  Would he be pleased with the worship?  Would he give approval to the way I am leading our staff?  This week I will live with these questions and live for His approval.


Lord, as I lead this week, help me to remember who I am seeking approval from, not the world, not any man, but you, my savior

Burning Question:

Who do you seek approval most from in your life?

Day #9: Wise Life = Long Life

Title: Wise life = Long Life

Scripture Read: Proverbs 9

Key Verse: “For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.” Proverbs 9:11


Contrast wisdom and folly and you have the obvious difference between health and sickness, not just physically, but spiritually.  There is a calling out to a way of life that says, “Live Differently.”  Preparation, steadiness and strength marks wisdom and with it comes a delicious, perfect mix of food and drink.  These are ideas and clarity of direction we get to feast on.  The view from wisdom’s view is clear and concise.  It allows us to see common sense behaviors and practices that we should be involved in and those we should apparently avoid.  Understanding and knowledge give us a reward that is logical.  A long life free from certain things that plague men and women today is attractive.  Why long life?  Of course this isn’t a formula, but a conclusion that speaks of the quality of life lived when you are not tossed here and there by foolish thoughts, habits and addictions.  Long life because God honors life.  He created life and he sustains it through his power and strength.  We have corrupted it with sin and our own evil desire (James 1)  Could we die young and wise?  Yes.  But better to die young and wise than die old and foolish.


If there could be a product on the market that would allow us to live longer, everyone would want it.  Innately men and women rub hundreds of pounds of crèmes and lotions on their faces and bodies every day to get rid of wrinkles, to look young.  We want to feel like we are going to live forever.  Some people even opt for plastic surgery on their bodies, hoping the appearance of youth will conjure up a better feeling and more acceptance from others.  It is all an illusion though.  Exterior treatments mask the real problem, everyone of us has a life span, our days our numbered.  Last time I checked, the death rate is 100%.  Wow, that’s depressing eh?  So I will go on to part 2.

How do I cheat death?  Wisdom.  How do I prevent early exit from the planet?  Wisdom.  I know I will physically die, but ultimate wisdom is from Jesus.  He is the one who planned the Gospel rescue with all wisdom and cunning against my enemy.  Who is wisdom?  Jesus.  He is the one by which I have already cheated death in entirety.  I have eternal life through this wisdom.  I have victory through nothing I did but everything He accomplished for me.  The wisdom of Christ is foolishness to the world.  Total dependence on Him is the only way to go for me.  I need His wisdom for my time, my talents and my resources.  I want be spent for his glory.


Lord, cause me to turn to you for your wisdom.  Grant my children and children’s children the knowledge of you and a long prosperous life making your name great, until our last breath.

Burning Question:

Are there addictions and behaviors that are keeping you from having days added to your life?

Day #8: Can You Hear Wisdom Calling?

Today I would like to thank my wife Summer for contributing to the blog.  She is on our 217church leadership team and works behind the scenes.

Title: Can You Hear Wisdom Calling?

Scripture Read: Proverbs 8

Key Verse: “Does not wisdom call, and understanding lift her voice?  On top of the heights beside the way.  Where the paths meet, she takes her stand;  Beside the gates, at the opening to the city, at the entrance of the doors, she cries out…” Proverbs 8:1-3


I think Proverbs chapter 8 sums up the entire book of Proverbs.  The author stresses the importance of wisdom over riches (v. 10, 11, 19), he talks about how wisdom is necessary for leaders (v. 15, 16) and he warns us that those who reject wisdom are only hurting themselves (v. 36).  The good news is in the first three verses of chapter 8.  Wisdom is readily available.  She is everywhere.  She is calling out to us on the streets…telling us how to live well.  She speaks only truth.


I was walking through the mall before Christmas, I found myself bombarded with sales people calling out to me.  One person told me I should sign my children up to be models.  Another told me my hands were too dry and she had a product that could help.  Another person tried to convince me I needed hair extensions, and yet one other person told me I should consider changing my cell phone plan.  Everybody was trying to distract me from my original mission at the mall.  I found it impossible to respond to every demand, so I had to keep my eyes facing forward as I navigated the crowds…ignoring the salespeople calling out to me.

As I read about wisdom calling out to me, I am encouraged to hear that it is readily available.  According to Proverbs, I don’t have to look hard to find wisdom.  However, I wonder if sometimes I am so distracted by everything going on around me that maybe I don’t hear wisdom’s voice.  Would I recognize the voice of wisdom in the midst of the other voices of distraction?  Do I try to stay focused on my task that I walk right past wisdom and never hear her calling out to me?  Am I in tune with wisdom’s voice that I would recognize it when I hear it, or would I question it…thinking my ways are better?


Lord, Grant me wisdom.  Give me wisdom to know how to handle every situation I must face.  Let me hear your words of wisdom whispered in my ear.  Give me wisdom to know what words to say…and what words not to say.  I also want to pray that you grant wisdom to those who lead our countries, our jobs, our churches and our families.  Let us heed wisdom and not ignore it.  Thank you for granting wisdom to those of us who desire more of it in our lives.

Burning Questions:

Who, what are the main sources of wisdom in your life?  Do you spend enough time listening to her?  What will you do to change this?

Day #7: The Slaughterhouse

Title: The Slaughterhouse

Scripture Read: Proverbs 7

Key Verse: All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose.” Proverbs 7:22


The writer returns again with warnings of the adulteress who lurks in the neighborhood.  Wisdom is to be our sister as opposed to a woman on the corner.  She promises anonymity, pleasure and a luring away from reality to escape the present circumstances.   With Physical touch and persuasive words the woman seeks the absolute ruin of the man.  The man who lacks judgment is caught up with her.  “Easy prey”, were the first thoughts that came to my mind.  Weak minded and undisciplined are familiar references.  At the end of the evening is a death to the soul.  A total aloneness accompanies the man to the chamber of death.  When I read this today, it conjured up feelings of fear and a painted picture of something I never want to experience.


A few years ago I was driving through central California.  In Central California there is a place called Coalinga.  Everyone who has driven that particular stretch of I-5 knows that the putrid smell of cows lingers over the highway as you pass through the area. Why?  One reason: A slaughterhouse that regularly annihilates thousands upon thousands of cows.  If you have ever smelled that smell, it has the power to make you nauseous.  Every time I think of it now, I am reminded of this verse.  A man who follows a prostitute to her bed is following her to his own utter failure and undoing.  I never want to experience this, ever.  Imagery and metaphor is a powerful thing and its not always pretty, but it teaches a lesson.  Looks are deceiving.  Let me always steer clear of the adultress who seeks my ruin.


Lord, protect me from stupidity and lustful eyes that could ruin me.  Protect men and women from the lure of sexual indiscretion.  Make us wise so we may know how to act and what to avoid.

The Burning Question:
Are you flirting with your total demise?  If so, please call, get help, tell someone, get accountability stop the domino effect now before it is too late.  The slaughterhouse is not a pleasant place.

Day #6: Heavy Lifting

Today I would like to thank 217church Development Pastor, Eris Pappas for his contribution to the 31 Days of Wisdom.

Title: Heavy Lifting

Scripture Read: Proverbs 6

Key Verse: Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!  Proverbs 6:6


The scripture in this chapter is particularly clear and specific.  We learn here there are areas of our lives that we need to be attentive to.  His desire is that we lack no understanding in how we should live.  The word teaches us to run like a deer from a hunter away from promises we cant keep and debts we can’t pay.  Pay what you owe and make right all promises.  Make this a number one priority.  We are taught to learn from the ant and work, work hard in the summer so that there may be food in our table when winter comes about.  God teaches us here to guard what we think and say.  We can ruin our life by the wrong words we say.  Seven things God hates, pay attention to them.  What God hates can’t be in his presence.  Think of Satan.  The scripture also revisits the wicked way of an adulterer.  Why does God offer wisdom and teaching in these regards? He knows we are not wise unless we learn wisdom.  God knows this relevant teaching will help us live and live well.  As a loving father he is protecting us from foolishness.


God in his all wisdom draws my attention to the ants.  He finds ants wise.  The God of the universe finds an insignificant insect wise.  He is asking us to see the ants as teachers for our lives.  So here is the lesson.  I should work, work without being told to do so. Work that I get paid for.  If I am physically able to attain a job I should work.   This goes for us as Christ followers.  Get out of the bed, off the couch. Stop hanging out and partying at the expense of others. Stop sleeping in and loosing sense of time, letting days go by without living them. Would you like to be dirt-poor?  Do you want poverty to be your permanent house guest?  Do you want to live off of pity of others?  Do you want to grow old unable to take care of your self and not know where your next meal comes from?  If not, work and work hard.  Save the fruit of your labor and plan for your future. One day I will be a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and all these seasons of life need to be planed for.  I will live my life like the ant, honestly tirelessly working to be a blessing and not a burden to others. God will call us wise if we do what ants do! Wise people work!


Dear Father, thank you for speaking clearly.  Thank you for ants and the lesson they teach me.  I ask that I will see the fruit of your instructions as I follow them.  Help me see how to better prepare for the future.  Please bless me with work so that I can have my daily bread.  Thank you for your provision.

The Burning Questions:

Do you desire sleep more than work?  Do you find your self saying “I have not found what I want to do yet and don’t have a job? Are you living off of your parents, your spouse, the government?  What do you think about verse 6,  “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise?”

Day #5: No Such Thing as a Secret

Title: “No Such Thing As A Secret”

Scripture Read: Proverbs 5

Key Verse: 21 For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.” Proverbs 5:21

A whole chapter is given here to the wisdom of keeping from prostitutes, another man’s wife, and anyone who is not your spouse.  While this was written to a male audience, this verse universally applies to women as well.  Why this much on this topic?  It seems over the hundreds and thousands of years since this was written, not much has changed.  The basic DNA of humanity has not changed.   It is a critical matter in the character of a person.  When discretion goes out the window, so goes the man, the family, the community, the society.  So many people think they can get away with adultery.  If it is secret, they think they aren’t accountable.  But all of these things are done in full view of the Lord.  It will be found out.  It is quite intimidating actually to think God is examining all my practices with great interest and detail.  He sees everything.  There is a difference that happens when the person lives with no secrets, understanding everything is subject to the full view of God.  It is clear this isn’t about legalism either.  It is about respect, common sense and the goodness of finding a wife, a faithful companion to love.

I know people right now who are caught up in this treacherous way of life.  No one wins in the end.  The 2nd spouse leads to the 3rd and more indiscretion abounds.  Here is common sense for my life.  Run from indiscretion, even the appearance. This means I never deliberately put myself in awkward situations, I don’t do lunch alone with women.  I don’t do coffee with women.  I don’t ride in cars alone with another woman.  If I am not there, it can’t happen.  This is common sense for us as men.  If a woman makes a pass at me, I walk away.   There are no secrets.   Purity is accomplished one day at a time.  I have only this day to live the wisdom of Proverbs 5, moment by moment with integrity and honesty.  No matter what the past held, today is an opportunity for faithfulness.

Lord, may you keep me from those women who would seek my destruction.  Guard my eyes and mind and thank you for a wife that loves and honors me daily.

The Burning Questions:
When are you most tempted to cheat on your spouse, what do you do when that moment happens?  What do you think about  Proverbs 5:11  “At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent”?

Day #4: A Father’s Words

Title: “A Father’s Words”

Scripture Read: Proverbs 4

Key Verse: “When I was a boy in my father’s house, still tender and only a child of my mother, he taught me and said,  “Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live.”   Proverbs 4:4

Solomon gives us a clear and powerful metaphor and picture so we experience the weight of what he is saying.  The recollection of when his father taught him something.  He is young, innocent and impressionable.  Because of the imagery, it changes the communication.  The respect and anticipation exchanged between a father and son is capturing.  I can see Solomon staring into the eyes of his father, hanging on every word, loving the fact that he took the time to tell him his heart.  He shares meaningful words, every one he is hanging on.  Every word is life-giving and means something to the son.  The hope the son has to one day be like dad causes him to listen.  There is nothing more powerful than an exchange between a parent and a child.  So much possibility for love and understanding of what God thinks of us, what he wants for us.  Solomon says to us today, don’t ignore what your Father says…come back to me, be careful, see the possibility of what could be in your life if you had wisdom.

Until I had children, I did not understand certain aspects of God’s love for me.  So many times as men, we are deficient in communicating, communicating the most important things.  I remember being a young boy and I would climb up on my Dad, he would tell me how much he believed in me.  How much he loved me, wanted the best in me.  Sometimes he would tell me just by looking at me.  If I could go back, I would rewind and become a little boy again.  I would appreciate the simplicity of the moment in hearing from my dad as a child.  This is what God is doing with us.  I fully realize my need for a dad and a Father in heaven to look over me.  I need God to listen to and heed instruction from.  I fully realize some who may be reading this did not have a healthy interaction with your father.  You should know that Jesus is there for you to interact with.  He asks you to climb up on his lap and listen.  That is what these 31 days are all about.  You have a father.  He loves you.  His name is Jesus.  Tonight, I am going to go home to my kids and sit them on my lap so my son and daughter have something to write about, a story to tell.  A father who loved him and wanted for them to be poured out for the name of Jesus.

Lord, my prayer is simple today, may my children’s wisdom exceed mine by 100 fold.  May you keep them and may they be revered in your kingdom as wise and faithful followers of Jesus.