Day 30: Courage to Confess

Title: Courage to Confess

Scripture Read: Proverbs 30

Key Verse:  “There are three things that are stately in their stride, four that move with stately bearing: a lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing.”          Proverbs 30:29-30


Courage is something you decide. It takes absolutely no talent at all to have courage.  I think courage is learned, caught and is a conscious choice.  The Lion is stately in its stride and retreats before nothing because it knows its place in the world.  It was made as one of the most powerful beasts to roam the earth.  You won’t see a lion shrink before the challenges it faces.

So many times we perceive Jesus as meek and mild, little baby Jesus, polite and passive, quiet and gentle.  This is the lamb Jesus is compared to.  But Jesus is also compared to a lion in the scriptures. (Rev. 5:5) Jesus is righteousness for us and this should inspire courage within us.  We see this from a previous reading, …the righteous are as bold as a lion.  (Proverbs 28:1) Perception creates our reality.  For far too long I have known people who live as weak Christians.  They are powerless and defeated with limited courage.  How do I know?  I’ve experienced it first hand, just like you.  We are to be victorious with the characteristics of a lion.  This is who Jesus is and it is who we are in Him.


This week I had three people who are friends of mine come forward and confess some pretty serious sins to me they are dealing with.  These people are amazing each with an incredible story of how Jesus is in the process of healing them.  The most difficult thing in the world to face is my own sin.  I think this is true of all men and women.  It takes even more courage to confess your sins to someone else.

In all three of these moments I communicated to them how proud I was of them for taking the courageous step of confession.  Courage brings confession and confession leads to healing.  Healing leads to a life of purpose and holiness.  Why have we abandoned this practice?  (James 5:16) Confession is something so simple and yet extremely intimidating.  It is far easier to just attend church and even a small group and never confess your sins to someone.  What might make it easier?

A pattern of confession: We all need to establish times when we know people will be there to listen.  It has to show up on our calendars.

A person of confidence: We need someone to confide in.  If there is no one there to confess to whom we trust, we won’t confess.  We need to be intentional about cultivating deep relationships with a select few people.  Trust me, if they judge you and persecute you, you just found out they weren’t much of a friend anyway.  Get some new friends.

Be as bold as a lion and humble in your approach.


Lord, continue to give me the courage to confess my sins to my brothers in Christ that I may be encouraged and have victory over the enemy who seeks to destroy me.

Burning Questions:

You know this one is coming…Do you have a pattern of confession? Do you have a person to confide in?  When will you meet with them and come clean?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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