Who Are You Fighting For?

Who is fighting for you?  No really?  I just sent all 6 of my kids back to school and they have no doubt about one thing… I want to make them better!  I am on their team!  It just so happens Thursday is the day many have been waiting for – the kickoff of the NFL season.  The preparation, the anticipation and the signal of a NEW SEASON. I can guarantee you one thing, the overarching quality that makes for an incredible team that will be in the next Superbowl is…CHEMISTRY.  Incredible teams don’t have perfect people, but everyone understands their role and what the goal is… make each other better in order to WIN!  #makeembetter

It’s not personal ego or accomplishment that matters, but in the end it’s what is on the SCOREBOARD.   

My Dream Team

“Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17

If you are on a team your responsibility is to #makeembetter.  Teams rally together and in the case of a church, a family, or a business, our job is to make each other better.  Our 217church scoreboard is lives rebuilt, small groups living sent on mission, and disciples made.  All of these things happen through teams.  From the beginning, everything we have done has been around the idea of teams.  It exciting to be a part of an INCREDIBLE team.  

5 Things That Make Our 217church Team Better

#1 Unselfishness –  When one person gets all the credit, the team is dysfunctional.  Unselfishness seeks to advance others for the betterment of the team and the advancement of the cause.  When one person makes decisions based on what is best for them rather than the team, it all falls apart.  Unselfish people are constantly early for the meeting.

QUESTION:  Do you look out more for yourself or others?

#2 Reliability   Not just when things are good but even more so when things aren’t looking good.  If you disappear when things get rough, your hurting the team, you make yourself a loser!  It’s easy to be a part of a team when things are great, but your true commitment is tested when you don’t see a solution. Reliable people are present through ALL circumstances and they KEEP their word.

QUESTION:  Do you support or subvert the vision when things get tough?

#3 Clarity – The greatest teams I have been apart of are clear and concise about what the common goal is.  This happens when people understand how what they do fits with the vision.  Where there is clarity there has already been great conviction.  WE MUST do this, WE WILL do this, NO MATTER WHAT, THIS IS HAPPENING!  The vision must be razor sharp, easy for people to see and experience.

QUESTION:  Is your team clear about what your team is about?

#4 Urgency –  Look, there’s limited time to complete the vision.  Working diligently to accomplish something with a noble purpose should not be intentionally delayed.  For our church, the urgency is critical.  If we don’t work quickly, people go hungry, kids don’t find Jesus, parents lose direction, people lose hope, the enemy temporarily wins.  Now is the time!

QUESTION:  Are you complacent or compelled when it comes to your team’s vision?

#5 Honor – This may be the most important of all the qualities.  When honor is present there is a deep respect of the people you are working with and for.  People matter to God and their gifts are to be encouraged.  Believe the best, no gossiping, no side conversations, no critical attitudes.  Don’t like it?  GET OFF THE TEAM!  Disagree, but with dignity and respect.  Encouragement, respectful communication, and love for one another are a must.

QUESTION:  Are you a complainer or a champion of unity?

I want you on the 217church team!

This Sunday Wear your favorite team jersey and get ready to be a part of an incredible TEAM!  Go 217church!  Who are you pouring your life into?  Tell me how below – #makeembetter


P.S My favorite team Jersey looks like this…


September 10 – Vision Sunday!  Wear your Favorite Team Jersey

September 17 – “His Story” Series Week #1 through the Gospels (Small Groups Launch)

October 8  New Service times  -9:30am & 11:00am

Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church meets Sundays at 10:30am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ.  Visit www.217church.com for more information, or watch a weekend message here On Sunday September 17th 2017 we will have our Fall Launch celebration service.

217church is affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and we are helping in the Hurricane devastated area. Here is a link on how you can VOLUNTEER or GIVE FINANCIALLY to support Hurricane victims.

You Need A Watchdog

I love dogs and this is Harley, my golden doodle.  She looks out for everyone in the house.  She is flat out AWESOME!  If there is a fight amongst our other dogs, she breaks it up.  If there is a fight among people, she gets between you.  If you come to my door uninvited, well, let’s just say she will let you know she is there.  She is the enforcer, but with a loyal, justice driven motive.  There is something about the qualities she exhibits that reminds me of what we should be for each other as the church.  Who is looking out for you?  Who are you looking out for?

Harley Watchdog

“I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.”  Romans 15:1

SO…Who are you looking out for?  Is there another person you feel personally responsible for?  Everyone needs someone to look out for and for someone to look out for them.  This is the definition of what the church should be doing for one another.  This scripture implies also we should believe the best about the motives of one another and be careful not to assume the worst.  We are responsible for one another.  As a matter of fact, there are over fifty “one another’s” in scripture.

How To be a “Watch-dog” and Look Out For One Another…

1. Privately Correct – We are all going to blow it, mess up, make mistakes – say something we shouldn’t say, post a photo we shouldn’t post, act in public in a way that isn’t God honoring.   FOR EXAMPLE – I saw something on Facebook the other day that disturbed me.  It was a public rebuke of what some would consider an “inappropriate photo”  But here was the problem…It was rebuked in a public way by someone, without gentleness and in an embarrassing manner.  More and more I am of the opinion that public social media rebukes are pointless.  The person almost NEVER hears what you are really saying and written harsh communication on a social media channel will almost ALWAYS be misconstrued in some way.  If something someone posts troubles you and you aren’t willing to privately go to them, don’t say anything.  After all, when you love someone enough to say something privately, you are respecting the image of God in them.  Disagree?  private message me, but this verse implies you are just flat out WRONG!

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”  Galatians 6:1

2.  Adamantly Protect – I love it when I know people have my back.  I love it when people who are a part of our church and our small group communities stand up against gossip amongst each other.  I love having someone to protect and having someone protect me.  This is what we are called to do for one another.  If you always have to have your way, you are prideful.  If you are always complaining about a church, another church, or your small group, something is desperately wrong.  The person you just criticized was made in the image of God and is a son or daughter of God.  I love watching the church care and stand up for one another. And one more thing – Please, if you claim to be a Christian – please work out your issues with other Christians in a private matter.  You are destroying the testimony of the church by airing all your complaints.

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”  Ephesians 4:1-3

3. Carefully Instruct – Life isn’t easy and we all will get led astray, but we must be allowed to speak into each other’s lives with conviction and passion.  If no one can speak into your life, you have a serious problem.  Quick, name the person who has that authority in your life?  You need someone who is helping you in your marriage, finances, parenting, personal knowledge of the bible, you need a go to person who is doing the good work of discipleship in your life.

“…filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.”  Romans 15:1

4. Relentlessly Care – If someone is fighting sickness, battling addiction, struggling in their marriage, facing a loss of a job, desperately alone, hopelessly abandoned, OUR ROLE IS TO WATCH OUT FOR THEM.  Fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.  Don’t just talk a big game, get in the game and let your life be about caring for the church and those who are your brothers and sisters.  Loyalty matters, take a cue from my Harley. Be a #Watchdog  

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2

This past Sunday we had 24 new people said they wanted to commit to the vision of 217church.  They have made a covenant to protect the unity of the church.  I love it.  Jesus died for us so let’s come together and stand together for what he wants to accomplish through us and for what he has promised to us.



Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania that meets Sundays at 10:30am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County, Burlington County or Bucks County, PA, we would love to have you join us.  Don’t miss our weekend services. Visit www.217church.com for more information. or watch a weekend message here

Unity – Without it You’re Toast

10 Things that Accelerate Vision:  Principle #3 – Unity

Meet Mel and Pat!  Over the next 10 weeks I will be sharing one attribute every week that is proven to accelerate vision.  This week is #3 Unity.  Seven years ago when we first started 217church Mel and Pat were there.  They came from our mother church faithful and willing to do whatever was needed to plant the church.  For seven years now they have graced the entryways of 217church, with their warmth, smiles and welcoming demeanor.  They have greeted thousands of people over the past seven years.  When I found out they were leaving for North Carolina, I was sad, but have marveled at their ability to serve quietly and promote unity.

Principle #3 – We Must Serve in Unity


I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace..”  Ephesians 4:1-3

Unity requires steadfastness.  You see, I have never heard either of these amazing people complain once in seven years.  NOT ONCE.  I never heard them say something should be different. and never did I EVER feel like they had an agenda for our church.  Maybe it’s because Mel is a retired Lt. Colonel in the Army and understands loyalty at it’s deepest level.  They are faithful, loyal and the best of the best.  They understand what #UNITY means.  This Wednesday as they came to their final 217group in Bordentown, I watched as a small group family celebrated the ministry and faithfulness of a dynamic couple.  What an incredible legacy they are leaving here in New Jersey.  They remember being a part of our mother church BEFORE THEY had a building.  If we are going to go forward, purchase land, build a building and do all God desires for us to do, WE MUST HAVE UNITY!

How To Maintain Unity…

#1 No Complainers – I love it when I meet people who always just find a way to make something better instead of complain about it.  This is Mel and Pat.  I’m sure our hospitality ministry could be “better”,  but I never heard it from them.  They just MADE IT BETTER!  Next time you think about COMPLAINING about your team, COMPLEMENT someone on your team.

#2 No Doubt – You gotta believe!  They have always promoted and spoken positively about their church.  We are going in this direction together and it is certain.  There is nothing like being a part of a group of people who don’t doubt your leadership, our calling together and the possibility of what God could do.  Confidence inspires commitment and I love it when doubt is removed.  THE VISION WILL HAPPEN!  I never have doubted their belief in the vision.

#3 Disagreement without Disunity –  If we all agreed about everything that would be unrealistic!  Processing disagreement in God honoring, peaceful ways is the ONLY way to operate.  Our team disagrees about things all the time, but when we walk out of the room, we are one.

#4 Mutual Yielding –  No one person gets their way all the time, and learning to subject ourselves to others in ministry is powerful.  This is how the church works.  I see this on our church staff and leadership all the time.  As one body, one church, one powerful church, we are moving forward!

Come together and we will accelerate the vision!

Unstoppable Banner

Join us at 217church and our SERIES #Unstoppable, as we study through the book of Romans together.

October 30 – Unstoppable Jesus – Romans 2:17-29

For more on our NEW SEASON and Why we moved out of the Theater Click HERE 

Josh Conn is the founding pastor of 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays at 10:30am at Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County, Burlington County or Bucks County, PA, we would love to have you join us.  Don’t miss our weekend services. Visit www.217church.com for more information. or watch a weekend message here


This last Sunday Princeton Alliance Church and 217church did a “pulpit swap” with the lead pastors of each church.  It was a weekend full of energy and passion.  At three different campuses in Plainsboro, Hamilton and Robbinsville the word was preached.  Six years ago, 217church was the first church plant of PAC, and man what an incredible journey it has been since then.  But there was something different about last weekend.  God has taught us many lessons along the way about being a church plant multi-site movement.  This movement started in 2010, we are on the move and you are a part of it.  #Unitymatters


“Pastor Josh Conn of 217church and Pastor Boyd Hannold of PAC preaching last week in a pulpit swap.”

“So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.”  Acts 9:31

When you look at the possibilities of the church in Central New Jersey, the upside is staggering.  Multiplication is entirely possible.  We live in the most densely populated state in one of the most diverse states. There is one problem, it is widely known up here in the northeast that churches that are sending disciples of Jesus and multiplying churches are hard to be found.  We want to reverse this trend.  We want God to move in our county and state.  We will do everything possible in order to reach people.  This is why weekends like last Sunday were so important.

It Reminded Me…  

#1 God Wants to Use us to Bring Hope – I had the opportunity to preach in the “Hope Unleashed” series at PAC.  Hope is a key word for this movement and a powerful concept for us.  I shared last Sunday that God gives us second chances, has a great work for us, and God is about to surprise us.  God hasn’t given up on Central New Jersey and is about to do something BIG through us.  All we have to do is follow him in humility and unity.  #Incredible

Ephesians 4:4 “…just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call. 

#2 God Wants us to Work Together – From the moment I walked in this weekend to speak at Princeton Alliance Church last weekend, I was met with nothing but absolute hospitality from our mother church.  From the audio visual team working with our worship teams and myself, to the hospitality team, people were so warm and welcoming.  This is what it is going to take to help people know the Gospel.  The ‘BIG C’ CHURCH always working together in unity.  I can’t say enough about the attention to detail and servant’s attitude of the people at both churches last Sunday.  #Incredible

Ephesians 4:3-4 “…eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  There is one body and one Spirit—

#3 God Has Called us to be a Sending Church – Can you imagine a church planting, disciple making community movement spreading across this area exponentially greater than we are already experiencing?  This will no doubt involve us focusing on the training and deploying of disciples, groups of disciples and larger gatherings through new worship sites and  churches.  If we believe that God wants us to multiply than our role is to take the next step.  It will involve sacrifice, it will involve some discomfort but it’s worth it!  We have already started 3 new places where the Gospel is going forward.  It won’t be perfect, it probably won’t be our timing, but it will be all for HIS GLORY if we are willing to be sent.  #Incredible

Last Sunday was #incredible.  I can’t wait to see what God reveals next.

Matthew 10:40  “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.”



Princeton Alliance Church meets every Sunday at 9:45 & 11:15 at 20 Schalks Crossing Road in Plainsboro.

217church meets at 10 AM at the Hamilton AMC24 Theater  11 AM at the Robbinsville Sharon Elementary School

If it is your 1st time, we have a special gift waiting for you!

Join us at 217church, a multi-site, contemporary church in Mercer County NJ.  217church is a family with small groups in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that meets Sundays in the Hamilton AMC24 Theater 10:00am and Sharon Elementary school in Robbinsville, NJ at 11:00.  Our new Robbinsville/East Windsor Campus meets every Sunday.  If you are looking for a church in East Windsor NJ, Lawrenceville NJ, Ewing NJ, Robbinsville NJ, Hightstown NJ, Hamilton NJ, Mercer County, Middlesex County or Bucks County, PA, we would love to have you join us.  Don’t miss our weekend services. Visit www.217church.com for more information. or watch a weekend message here

Rally – Day 22 – Relaunch Video Journal

Rally – “Together we can accomplish anything”

Scripture:  Nehemiah 4:19-20

(Please note: If you are viewing video on a Mobile Device you must scroll to bottom and enable “DESKTOP MODE”)

Whenever we hear the call, we must rally to it.  The vision is the rally point and we must do whatever it takes in order to ensure the vision happens.  There is an excitement and adrenaline that comes with rallying to the cause.  What would keep us from feeling we can go all in and rally to the vision?  The interesting thing about rallying is you stop caring how you look, you stop worrying who gets the credit and you start running with all your energy.  You know that someone on the team, in the camp needs you to step up for them.  I pray we are a church that comes together regularly, celebrates our rally points and encourages each other through seeing the possibility of unity.  Let us make it a reality through our commitment to one another.

Listen to our Sunday PODCAST on the Go HERE

Watch Week 3 of Relaunch:  “Fighting For The Church Family” Here:

When the work on the wall is in full swing the people of Jerusalem are attacked fiercely by the opposition.  They are jeered at, humiliated and their physical well being is even threatened.  Like the people rebuilding the wall, as we rebuild lives one person at a time we must come together and fight for our church family through praying continually, working tirelessly, and motivating constantly.

Our Journal Process:

  • S – Scripture – Follow Through the book of Nehemiah with our Relaunch Field Guide.  You can Download it here  Choose a specific scripture passage then write a phrase or verse that jumps out at you.    Youversion.com has incredible resources and reading plans.
  • O – Observation –  Write your thoughts.  What do you think God is saying to you in this Scripture? What do you think it means?
  • A – Application – This is where you make personalized action steps to what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now.  Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, a new promise, or corrections for a particular area of your life.
  • P – Prayer – This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this Scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Who comes to mind that you need to pray for?  Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say first.

For more on the Relaunch 40 Day spiritual growth emphasis:  READ THIS

To Download the Relaunch Field Guide with Journal and Small Group Curriculum:  CLICK HERE